Rand Paul: “Clintons think they live above the law”

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said Sunday that the latest questions surrounding Hillary Clinton’s email habits while serving as secretary of state show that “the Clintons think they live above the law.”

The Justice Department confirmed Friday it had received a request to investigate Clinton’s email account after a report by the inspectors general of the State Department and the Intelligence Community found that her private email account “hundreds of potentially classified emails” in it.

In an interview on “Face the Nation” Sunday, Paul said, “This isn’t a bunch of Republicans making a political point, this is President Obama’s government saying she may have released classified information.”

In response to the allegations, Clinton said Saturday, “I am confident that I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received. And what I think you’re seeing here is a very typical kind of discussion, to some extent disagreement, among various parts of the government over what should or should not be publicly released.”

The news has reignited a debate about the former secretary of state’s email habits, which included using a private server to host her messages on a non-government account. Many Republicans on Capitol Hill have called on Clinton to hand over the server.

Paul said that Clinton actually put herself and those who protect her at risk if she was sending or receiving emails that detailed her schedule.

“They did this because they’re Clintons. And the Clintons think they live above the law, and they think they can live differently than all the rest of America. And I think this is going to come back to bite her and already is,” Paul said.

He also said it’s “a little bit hard to have trust in Hillary Clinton when she breaks every rule along the way…I think this is a real problem for Hillary Clinton, and this isn’t going away.”

Source: Rand Paul: “Clintons think they live above the law” – CBS News

