China School Knife Attack, Portland Mall Attack Receive Little Coverage

While the message of gun control proponents is that massive deaths in lone shooter incidents would end if strict gun control laws are passed, Meli’s example is that deaths would be minimized by instead ending “no gun zones.” Meli’s anecdote is backed up by data from the U.S. Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, which reports that some 82,500 crimes across the nation are stopped by law-abiding gun owners annually, while only about 270 incidents involve the law-abiding citizen killing the criminal perpetrator (police also kill an average of 400 violent criminal suspects annually). The BJS also noted that law-abiding citizens were also far less likely to be injured in crimes while using firearms defending themselves. “A fifth of the victims defending themselves with a firearm suffered an injury, compared to almost half of those who defended themselves with weapons other than a firearm or who had no weapon.”

