de Lorraine, Alix 1a

Birth Name de Lorraine, Alix
Gender female
Age at Death 44 years, 8 months, 28 days


An extract from Thomas Stobie's GEDCOM created 10 Mar 2009. Thomas can be contacted at


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1198 Lorraine, France   2
Death 1242-09-29     2

Age: 44y

Christening 01635167955181478222D1C981CE451CB86B 21 DEC 2007    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father de Lorraine, Frederic II11711213-10-10
Mother de Bar-le-Duc, Agnès Theomaceta11781226-06-21
    Sister     von Lothringen, Lorette 1195
         de Lorraine, Alix 1198 1242-09-29
    Brother     de Lorraine, Matthias II 1200 1251

Source References

  1. Thomas A. Stobie: Thomas & Barbara Stobie's Relatives, their Ancestors and related families.
      • Source text:

        # ID: I335749
        # Name: Ricfried de Betuwe
        # Prefix: Count
        # Given Name: Ricfried
        # Surname: de Betuwe
        # Sex: M
        # _UID: 22327039F5B70640AFA3370D5308391A3350
        # Change Date: 1 NOV 2006
        # _COLOR: 9
        # _TMPLT:
        # FIELD:
        # Name: Page 1
        # Birth: ABT 840
        # _SDATE: 1 JUL 840
        # _TMPLT:
        # FIELD:
        # Name: Page 1
        # Death: ABT 900
        # _SDATE: 1 JUL 900
        # _TMPLT:
        # FIELD:
        # Name: Page 1



        Father: Balderic de Betuwe b: ABT 810

        Marriage 1 Hewesinde b: ABT 865 in France

        * Married: 1


        1. Has Children de Betuwe b: ABT 890
        2. Has Children Nevelung de Betuwe b: ABT 900



        1. Abbrev: Lloyd A. Horrocks' Rootsweb GEDCOM
        Title: Horrocks, Lloyd A., Rootsweb GEDCOM. (
        Name: Footnote
        Name: ShortFootnote
        Name: Bibliography



      • Citation:


  2. {Jennifer Reeder's Rootsweb GEDCOM} @ Reeder, Jennifer. Rootsweb GEDCOM. Jennifer Reeder's Rootsweb GEDCOM