Fuller, Ottie May 1

Birth Name Fuller, Ottie May
Gender female
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1910-01-08      
Christening   2ED63CB468BDD94A858A7F47E13301E70D3A    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Fuller, George A1885-03-11
Mother Atwood, Bettie1888-11-08
    Sister     Fuller, Clara 1907-11-25 2005-02-01
         Fuller, Ottie May 1910-01-08
    Sister     Fuller, Florence 1912-02-22
    Brother     Fuller, Edgar 1914-11-27
    Sister     Fuller, Lou Ella 1917-02-20
    Brother     Fuller, Alonzo 1919-05-12


Family of Thacker, J W and Fuller, Ottie May

Unknown Partner Thacker, J W ( * + ... )