(Rev.), Robert 1a

Birth Name (Rev.), Robert
Gender male
Age at Death 63 years, 7 months, 29 days


[Loren Family.ged]

Peck, Ira B. A Genealogical History of the Descendants of Joseph Peck. Alfred Mudge & Son. Boston. 1868, pg 25:
REV. ROBERT PECK, the brother of Joseph the ancestor, was born at Beccles, Suffolk Co., England, in 1580. He was graduated at Magdalen College, Cambridge; the degree of A. B. was conferred upon him in 1599, and that of A. M., in 1603. He was set apart to the ministry, and inducted over the church at Hingham, Norfolk Co., England, January 8, 1605, where he remained until 1638, when he fied from the persecutions of the church to this country.
He was a talented and influential clergyman, a zealous preacher, and a nonconformist to the superstitious ceremonies and corruptions of the church, for which he was persecuted and driven from the country. Brooks, in his lives of the puritans, gives many facts of interest in relation to him. In particularizing some of the offences for which he and his followers were persecuted, he says, "for having catechised his family, and sung a psalm in his own house on a Lord's day evening, when some of his neighbors attended, his lordship (Bishop Harsnet) enjoined all who were present to do penance, requiring them. to say, I confess my errors," etc.
Those who refused were immediately excommunicated, and required to pay heavy costs. This, Mr. Brooks says, appears from the bishop's manuscripts under his own hands. He says, "he was driven from his flock, deprived of his benefice, and forced to seek his bread in a foreign land."
Cotton Mather in speaking of him says, he was by the good providence of heaven fetched away into New England about the year 1638, when the good people of Hingham did rejoice in the light for a season; but within two or three years, the invitation of his friends of Hingham, England, pursuaded him to return to them, where being though great in person for stature, yet greater for spirit, he was greatly serviceable for the good of the church.
He arrived here in 1638. In relation to his arrival, the town clerk at Hingham here says: "Mr. Robert Peck, preacher of the gospel in the Town of Hingham, in the County of Norfolk, old England, with his wife and two children, and two servants, came over the sea and settled in this town of Hingham, and he was a Teacher of the Church." Mr. Hobart, of Hingham, says in his diary, that he was ordained here teacher of the church, November 28, 1638. His name frequently appears upon the records of the town. He had lands granted him.
His family as seen upon the chart consisted of nine children. His son Joseph and daughter Anne came over with him. He was twice married. His first wife Anne, died at Hingham, England, and was buried there August 30, 1648 [will 1651 - should this be 1658?]. His second wife was Mrs. Martha Bacon, widow of James Bacon, Rector of Burgate.
He remained here until the long Parliament, or until the persecutions in England ceased, when he returned and resumed his Rectorship at Hingham.
Mr. Hobart says he returned October 27, 1641; and Mr. Cushing, the town clerk, says his wife and son Joseph returned with him; his daughter Anne remaining here. She married Captain John Mason, "the conqueror of the Pequots."
He died at Hingham, England, and was buried in his churchyard there. His funeral sermon was preached by Nathaniel Joslin and published.
The following is a copy of his will:

July the xxiiijth 1651
I Robert Pecke Minister of the word of God at Hingham in the countye of Norff beinge in bodilye health and perfect memory knowinge the unceartainety of mans life, doe dispose of that worldly estate God hath given me in manner and form followinge
Imprimus I give and bequeath unto Thomas my Sonne and Samuel my Sonne and their heirs forever All that my messuage wherein I now dwell situate and lyenge in Hingham a forsaid with all the edifices yards and orchards thereunto belonginge As alsoe the Inclose
and Barnes adioyninge As olso one Inclose now devided called The Lady close conteyninge about eight acres be it more or less As olso one pightell at the end thereof conteyninge twoe acres and d,d uppon condicons followinge, and for the paiement of such legacies as are herein expressed.
First I will and bequeath unto Robert Pecke sonne of my sonne Robert deceased the sume of 20? at his age of 23 years
Item I give unto John Pecke sonne of the said Robert deceased 10ls To be paid to him at his age of 22 years
Item I give unto Beniamin Pecke the youngest sonne of the said Robert deceased at his age of 22 years 20ls
Item I give to the children of Anne Mason my daughter wife of captain John Mason of Seabrooke on the river connecticut in new England the sume of Forty pounds to be devided equally unto them and to be sept to my sonne John Mason to dispose of it for their use within 2 years after my death
Item I give to my sonne Joseph Dureinge his natural life the sume of 14ls yearlie to be in the hands of my Sonnes Thomas and Samuel as it shall arise out of my houses lands and chattles for his maintenance with necessarie foode and apparrell duringe the terme of his naturall life And I doe wholie comitt my said Sonne Joseph to the care of my twoe sonnes Thomas and Samuell to provide for him in such a way as he may not want things necessary for his livelyhood
Item I give to the children of Thomas and Samuell my sonnes which shall be liveinge at my decease the sume of Five pounds apiece at their severall ages of 21 years
Item I give to my now wife Martha Pecke 40ls To be paid wthin twoe months after my decease Item I give to the poore of Hingham 5ls To be destrubted at the discrecon of my Executors Thomas Pecke and Samuel Pecke whome I do ordeyne and make Executors of this my last will and Testament confiding that they will faithfully fulfill and performe this my last will according to my trust reposed in them
All my other goods cattells debts moneys household stuffe or whatsoever ells belongeth unto me I give and bequeath to my said Executors toards payinge of my legacies alrerdy bequeathed and towards the bringinge of my body to buriall which I desire if I depart this life in Hingham may be entered in the church yard near unto Anne my wife deceased
In witness whereof I have written this my last will and testament with my own hand the day and yeare above written

This will was proved at London before the judges for probate of Wills and granting of Administrations the tenth day of April in the year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred fiftye and eight.

Memorial of the Morses by Abner Morse, William Veazie. Boston. 1850, pg 252:

Richard Sanger of Hingham, was...doubtless a follower of Rev. Robert Peck, of whom Bloomfield says in his History of Norfolk, "he was a man of a very violent schismatical spirit, he pulled down the rails and levelled the altar and the whole chancel a foot below the church, but being prosecuted for it by Bp. Wren, he fled the km. and went over into New England with many of his parishoners, who sold their estates for half their value, and conveyed them to that new Plantation; erected a Towne and Colonie by the name of Hingham where many of their posterity are still remaining. He promised never to desert them, but hearing that the Bishops were deposed, he left them all to shift for themselves and came back to Hingham in 1646;(*) and after ten years of voluntary banishment, he resumed his rectory."


From 'Mathew's American Amoury and Blue Book'

Arms - Or, on a chevron gules three crosses formée of the field.
Crest - Two lances in saltire or, headed argent, with pennons of the first, each charged with a cross formée gules, enfiled with a chaplet vert.
Mottoes - (1) Crux Christi salus mea; (2) Probitatem quam divitias.

From 'General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales'

Peck (co. Derby, and Wakefield, co. York). Ar. on a chev. gu. three crosses formée of the field.




Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1585 Beccles, Suffolk, England   2
Death 1648-08-30 Hingham, Norfolk, England   2

Age: 63y

Burial 1651-07-24 Hingham, Norfolk, England   2
Occupation     Minister at Hingham, Plymouth Co., Massachusetts  
Education between 1592 and 1603 Magdalen College, Cambridge University    
Census 1638-11-28 Proved in London    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father (Robard), Robert1548-11-28after 1592/3-03-22 (Julian)
Mother (Ellen), Ellin15601614-10-31
    Brother     Peck, Richard 1575 1592-03-22
    Brother     Peck, Nicholas 1576 1592-03-22
    Brother     (Samuell), Samuel 1579 1592-03-22
         (Rev.), Robert 1585 1648-08-30
    Brother     Peck, Joseph 1587-04-30 1663-12-23

Source References

  1. John D. Newport: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=john_d_newport&id=I20957 Ancestry of John D Newport
      • Source text:

        # ID: I20957
        # Name: Godfrey Foljambe II Sir of Hassop Darley
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: ABT 1343 in Hassop, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England 1 2
        # Ancestral File #: 8MLX-VR
        # Death: 29 MAY 1376 in Darley, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England 1 3 4
        # Name: Godfrey II Foljambe 5
        # Name: Godfrey Foljambe Sir of Hassop Darley 6 1 3
        # Birth: 1338 in Hassop, Derbyshire, England 7
        # Death: 1376 7
        # Note:

        [Jim Weber]

        Mardi Carter, in her posting to soc.genealogy.medieval, indicates that Godfrey was b. 1317. I have two different men (father & son) named Godfrey, with the father b. in 1317. She also had Margaret de Villiers b. 1351/2, which is impossible if their daughter Margaret had a child b. in 1379.







        Father: Godfrey Foljambe Sir of Hassop & Bakewell b: ABT 1316 in Tideswell, Bakewell, Derbyshire, England
        Mother: Avena de Ireland b: ABT 1317 in Hartshorne, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Derbyshire, England

        Marriage 1 Margaret de Villiers b: 1342 in Kinoulton, Nottinghamshire, England

        * Married: ABT 1360 in Hassop, Derbyshire, England 7
        * Married: BEF 1367 2 1
        * Note:

        [Kirk Larson.ged]

        CHAN7 Dec 2001


        1. Has Children Margaret Foljambe b: 1360 in Hassop, Derbyshire, England
        2. Has Children Godfrey III Foljambe b: ABT 1367 in Hassop, Derbyshire, England
        3. Has No Children Alice Foljambe b: 1368 in Hassop, Derbyshire, England



        1. Title: Jim Weber
        Publication: Location: jimweber@nwintl.com;
        Name: Rootsweb.com
        Text: Date of Import: Dec 28, 2008
        2. Title: Pedigrees of the County Families of Yorkshire, vol 1, by Joseph Foster, London 1874, at www.medievalgenealogy.org.uk
        Page: Families: Foljambe
        Text: aged 32 at death
        3. Title: Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com
        Source Medium: Electronic

        Page: Mardi Carter, 18 July 2001
        4. Title: Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com
        Source Medium: Electronic

        Page: Rosie Bevan, 24 Nov 2002
        Text: abt 1375
        5. Author: Larson, Kirk
        Title: Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson
        Publication: Name: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Descendants; Date: 1981-2001;
        Name: Kirk Larson Private Library
        Text: Date of Import: Aug 28, 2007
        6. Title: Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval, at groups - google.com
        Source Medium: Electronic

        Page: Rosie Bevan, 24 Nov 2002
        7. Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
        Title: Pedigree Resource File
        Publication: Name: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.; Location: Salt Lake City, UT; Date: 2001;
        Name: Family History Library, SLCUSA.
        Source Quality: Source Medium: Family Archive CD

        LDS: Pedigree Resource File CD-Rom
        Alternate Title: Family History Resource File

        Page: Compact Disk #20 ID# 567655



      • Citation:

        e-mail: johndnewport@cox.net

  2. J. K. Loren: Loren Family