Monday, February 25, 2013

N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg bans 2-liter sodas with pizza delivery

Amid New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s ban on big sodas — taking effect in March — are some details that may have been overlooked.

Say goodbye to that 2-liter soda with your pizza delivery, pitchers of soft drinks at your kid’s birthday party and some bottle-service mixers at your favorite nightclub, The New York Post reports.

The mayor’s new rules prohibit restaurants from serving or selling soda in containers larger than 16 ounces.

“It’s not fair. If you’re gonna tell me what to do, it’s no good,” Steve DiMaggio of Caruso’s in Brooklyn borough told The Post. “It’s gonna cost a lot more.”

The rules will force consumers to pay more for smaller containers. Under the ban, they would have to buy six 12-ounce cans at an average cost of $7.50 to get an equivalent amount of a $3 2-liter bottle.

Family-friendly venues, such as bowling alleys, will have to ditch their soda pitchers for parties, and Manhattan nightclubs no longer will be able to serve large mixers with their bottle service.

Full article: http://www.washingto … 2-liter-sodas-pizza/

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