man Diego Lainez De Vivar‏‎, son of Lain Nunez and N.N.‏.
Died ‎± 1058

Married/ Related to:

woman Theresa Nuna De Amaya‏‎ PRIVACY FILTER


man Rodrigo Diaz De Vivar‏
Born ‎± 1040 at Vivar near Burgos,Spain, died ‎ Jul 10, 1099 at Valencia,Spain‎, approximately 59 years, buried ‎ at monastery of San Pedro de Cardeña,Burgos,Spain
Nickname: El Cid
The Cid, Spanish: El Cid, also called El Campeador ("the Champion"), byname of Rodrego, or Ruy, Diaz De Vivar, Castilian military leader and national hero. His popular name, El Cid (from Spanish Arabic as-sid, "lord"), dates from his lifetime.

Early life

Rodrigo Díaz' father, Diego Laínez, was a member of the minor nobility (infanzones) of Castile. But the Cid's social background was less unprivileged than later popular tradition liked to suppose, for he was directly connected on his mother's side with the great landed aristocracy, and he was brought up at the court of Ferdinand I in the household of that king's eldest son, the future Sancho II of Castile. When Sancho succeeded to the Castilian throne (1065), he nominated the 22-year-old Cid as his standard-bearer (armiger regis), or commander of the royal troops. This early promotion to important office suggests that the young Cid had already won a reputation for military prowess. In 1067 he accompanied Sancho on a campaign against the important Moorish kingdom of Saragossa (Zaragoza) and played a leading role in the negotiations that made its king, al-Muqtadir, a tributary of the Castilian crown.

Ferdinand I, on his death, had partitioned his kingdoms among his various children, leaving Leon to his second son, Alfonso VI. Sancho began (1067) to make war on the latter with the aim of annexing Leon. Later legend was to make the Cid a reluctant supporter of Sancho's aggression, but it is unlikely the real Cid had any such scruples. He played a prominent part in Sancho's successful campaigns against Alfonso and so found himself in an awkward situation in 1072, when the childless Sancho was killed while besieging Zamora, leaving the dethroned Alfonso as his only possible heir. The new king appears to have done his best to win the allegiance of Sancho's most powerful supporter. Though the Cid now lost his post as armiger regis to a great magnate, Count García Ordóñez (whose bitter enemy he became), and his former influence at court naturally declined, he was allowed to remain there; and, in July 1074, probably at Alfonso's instigation, he married the king's niece Jimena, daughter of the Count de Oviedo. He thus became allied by marriage to the ancient royal dynasty of Leon. Very little is known about Jimena. The couple had one son and two daughters. The son, Diego Rodríguez, was killed in battle against the Muslim Almoravid invaders from North Africa, at Consuegra (1097).

The Cid's position at court was, despite his marriage, precarious. He seems to have been thought of as the natural leader of those Castilians who were unreconciled to being ruled by a king of Leon. He certainly resented the influence exercised by the great landed nobles over Alfonso VI. Though his heroic biographers would later present the Cid as the blameless victim of unscrupulous noble enemies and of Alfonso's willingness to listen to unfounded slanders, it seems likely that the Cid's penchant for publicly humiliating powerful men may have largely contributed to his downfall. Though he was later to show himself astute and calculating as both a soldier and a politician, his conduct vis-à-vis the court suggests that resentment at his loss of influence as a result of Sancho's death may temporarily have undermined his capacity for self-control. In 1079, while on a mission to the Moorish king of Seville, he became embroiled with García Ordóñez, who was aiding the king of Granada in an invasion of the kingdom of Seville. The Cid defeated the markedly superior Granadine army at Cabra, near Seville, capturing García Ordóñez. This victory prepared the way for his downfall; and when, in 1081, he led an unauthorized military raid into the Moorish kingdom of Toledo, which was under Alfonso's protection, the king exiled the Cid from his kingdoms. Several subsequent attempts at reconciliation produced no lasting results, and after 1081 the Cid never again was able to live for long in Alf