man Athelstan King of England‏‎, son of EDWARD I 'the ELDER' Saxon King of England and Ecgwyn‏.
Born ‎ 895, died ‎ 940 at Malmesbury,England‎, 44 or 45 years
¥thelstan (924-40 AD)
The grandson of Alfred the Great, ¥thelstan succeeded his father, Edward the Elder, to the throne of Wessex. He was the first English sovereign ever to be crowned on the King's Stone at Kingston-upon-Thames in 925. Incorrectly claimed by some to be the first King of All England, ¥thelstan was a great warrior, nonetheless, whose fame stemmed from his conquests in Cornwall and Wales, and his defeat of a combined force of Scots, Welsh and Vikings at the battle of Brunanburh in 938. ¥thelstan was a patron of monastic communities
and especially supported the monastery at Malmesbury, where his tomb can be found, today.

Married/ Related to:



woman Lenette Lenette‏‎