man Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of England‏‎, son of William "The Conqueror" of England and Matilda (Maud) Countess Flanders [Queen Of Englan , [Queen Of Englan‏.
Born ‎ Sep 1068 at ,Selby,Yorkshire,England, baptized ‎ Aug 5, 1100 at ,Selby,Yorkshire,England, died ‎ Dec 1, 1135 at ,St. Denis,Seine-St. Denis,France‎, 67 years, buried ‎ Jan 4, 1136 at Reading Abbey,Reading,Berkshire,England
Name Suffix: 5*
REFN: 19005442
1 NAME Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of /ENGLAND/

?? Line 6093: (New PAF RIN=11904)
1 NAME Henry I, "Beauclerc" King Of /ENGLAND/

Line 2410 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NAME Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of /ENGLAND/

?? Line 6093: (New PAF RIN=11904)
1 NAME Henry I, "Beauclerc" King Of /ENGLAND/

Line 2410 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
NAME Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of /ENGLAND/

?? Line 6093: (New PAF RIN=11904)
1 NAME Henry I, "Beauclerc" King Of /ENGLAND/


1 NAME Henry I King of /England/
1 NAME /Henry/ I
2 DATE 1068
2 DATE 1135

BIOGRAPHY: Henry was in reality a usurper. He impris oned his older brother, Robert in Cardiff Castle in Wales, and it is said he ha d Robert's eyes put out. Henry reigned thirty-five years, not only over England , but over one third of France. In 1120 the White Ship went down on a hidden ro ck in the English Channel with the Crown Prince on board and it is said Henry I is never known to have smiled again. He had only one child left, Maude-Matilda , then a widow of the German Emperor Henry V. For political reasons she was nex t married to Geoffrey of Anjou, a boy of sixteen, ten years her junior. After t he death of Henry I there was civil war between Matilda and her nephew Stephen, who got the throne for nineteen years. At one point in this contest Matilda ha d to escape from the Robert Doyley tower of Oxford Castle by sliding down a rop e with gloved hands, the rope held by her favorite knight, Alain. She, with a f ew others dressed in white to avoid detection, crossed in the snowy night over the frozen Thames. The condition of the English people was deplorable during th e reign of Henry I, owing to the blood-curdling cruelty of the Barons. Henry es tablished a vigorous police system to check this, and tried to stop counterfeit ing the money by mutilations. He oppressed his people by taxation.

BIOGRAPH Y: Henry I was born in the year 1068---a factor he himself regarded as highly s ignificant, for he was the only son of the Conqueror born after the conquest of England, and to Henry this meant he was heir to the throne. He was not an attr active proposition: he was dissolute to a degree, producing at least a score of bastards; but far worse he was prone to sadistic cruelty---on one occasion, fo r example, personally punishing a rebellious burgher by throwing him from the w alls of his town.

BIOGRAPHY: At the death of William the Conqueror, Henry wa s left no lands, merely 5,000 pounds of silver. With these he bought lands from his elder brother Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy, only to see them taken ba ck again a few years later by Robert, in unholy alliance with his brother Willi am Rufus.

BIOGRAPHY: Henry could do little to avenge such treatment, but in England he found numerous barons who were tired of the exactions and ambitions of their king. He formed alliances with some of these, notably with the import ant De Clare family. He and some of the De Clares were with William Rufus on hi s last hunting expedition, and it is thought that the king's death was the resu lt of Henry's plotting.

BIOGRAPHY: Certainly he moved fast to take advantage of it; leaving Rufus's body unattended in the woods, he swooped down on Winche ster to take control of the treasury. Two days later he was in Westminster, bei ng crowned by the Bishop of London. His speed is understandable when one realis es that his elder brother, Robert [Curthose], was returning from the crusade, a nd claimed, with good reason, to be the true heir.

BIOGRAPHY: Henry showed g reat good sense in his first actions as King. He arrested Ranulph Flambard, Wil liam's tax-gatherer, and recalled Anselm, the exiled Archbishop. Furthermore, h e issued a Charter of Liberties which promised speedy redress of grievances, an d a return to the good government of the Conqueror. Putting aside for the momen t his many mistresses, he married the sister of the King of Scots, who was desc ended from the royal line of Wessex; and lest the Norman barons should think hi m too pro-English in this action, he canged her name from Edith to Matilda. No one could claim that he did not aim to please.

BIOGRAPHY: In 1101 Robert Cur those invaded, but Henry met him at Alton, and persuaded him to go away again b y promising him an annuity of 2,000. He had no intention of keeping up the pay ments, but the problem was temporarily solved.

BIOGRAPHY: He now felt strong enough to move against dissident barons who migh[silveriemoon[8]124.FTW]










Henry I was born in the year 1068---a factor he himself regarded as highly significant, for he was the only son of the Conqueror born after the conquest of England, and to Henry this meant he was heir to the throne. He was not an attractive proposition: he was dissolute to a degree, producing at least a score of bastards; but far worse he was prone to sadistic cruelty---on one occasion, for example, personally punishing a rebellious burgher by throwing him from the walls of his town.

At the death of William the Conqueror, Henry was left no lands, merely 5,000 pounds of silver. With these he bought lands from his elder brother Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy, only to see them taken back again a few years later by Robert, in unholy alliance with his brother William Rufus.

Henry could do little to avenge such treatment, but in England he found numerous barons who were tired of the exactions and ambitions of their king. He formed alliances with some of these, notably with the important de Clare family. He and some of the de Clares were with William Rufus on his last hunting expedition, and it is thought that the king's death was the result of Henry's plotting.

Certainly he moved fast to take advantage of it; leaving Rufus's body unattended in the woods, he swooped down on Winchester to take control of the treasury. Two days later he was in Westminster, being crowned by the Bishop of London. His speed is understandable when one realises that his elder brother, Robert [Curthose], was returning from the crusade, and claimed, with good reason, to be the true heir.

Henry showed great good sense in his first actions as King. He arrested Ranulph Flambard, William's tax-gatherer, and recalled Anselm, the exiled Archbishop. Furthermore, he issued a Charter of Liberties which promised speedy redress of grievances, and a return to the good government of the Conqueror. Putting aside for the moment his many mistresses, he married the sister of the King of Scots, who was descended from the royal line of Wessex; and lest the Norman barons should think him too pro-English in this action, he changed her name from Edith to Matilda. No one could claim that he did not aim to please.

In 1101 Robert Curthose invaded, but Henry met him at Alton, and persuaded him to go away again by promising him an annuity of 2,000. He had no intention of keeping up the payments, but the problem was temporarily solved.

He now felt strong enough to move against dissident barons who might give trouble in the future. Chief amongst these was the vicious Robert of Bellême, Earl of Shrewsbury, whom Henry had known for many years as a dangerous troublemaker. He set up a number of charges against him in the king's court, making it plain that if he appeared for trial he would be convicted and imprisoned. Thus Robert and his colleagues were forced into rebellion at a time not of their own choosing, were easily defeated and sent scuttling back to Normandy.

In Normandy Robert Curthose began to wreak his wrath on all connected with his brother, thus giving Henry an excellent chance to retaliate with charges of misgovernment and invade. He made two expeditions in 1104-5, before the great expedition of 1106 on which Robert was defeated at the hour-long battle of Tinchebrai, on the anniversary of Hastings. No one had expected such an easy victory, but Henry took advantage of the state of shock resulting from the battle to annex Normandy. Robert was imprisoned (in some comfort, it be said); he lived on for 28 more years, ending up in Cardiff castle whiling away the long hours learning Welsh. His son William Clito remained a free agent, to plague Henry for most of the rest of his reign.

In England the struggle with Anselm over the homage of bishops ran its course until the settlement of 1107. In matters of secular government life was more simple: Henry had found a brilliant administrator, Roger of Salisbury, to act as Justiciar for him. Roger had an inventive mind, a keen grasp of affairs, and the ability to single out young men of promise. He quickly built up a highly efficient team of administrators, and established new routines and forms of organisation within which they could work. To him we owe the Exchequer and its recording system of the Pipe Rolls, the circuits of royal justiciars spreading the king's peace, and the attempts at codification of law. Henry's good relationships with his barons, and with the burgeoning new towns owed much to skilful administration. Certainly he was able to gain a larger and more reliable revenue this way than by the crude extortion his brother had used.

In 1120 came the tragedy of the White Ship. The court was returning to England, and the finest ship in the land was filled with its young men, including Henry's son and heir William. Riotously drunk, they tried to go faster and faster, when suddenly the ship foundered. All hands except a butcher of Rouen were lost, and England was without an heir.

Henry's only legitimate child was Matilda, but she was married to the Emperor Henry V of Germany, and so could not succeed. But in 1125 her husband died, and Henry brought her home and forced the barons to swear fealty to her---though they did not like the prospect of a woman ruler. Henry then married her to Geoffrey of Anjou, the Normans' traditional enemy, and the barons were less happy---especially when the newly-weds had a terrible row, and Geoffrey ordered her out of his lands. In 1131 Henry, absolutely determined, forced the barons to swear fealty once more, and the fact that they did so is testimoney of his controlling power. Matilda and Geoffrey were reunited, and in 1133 she produced a son whom she named for his grandfather. If only Henry could live on until his grandson was old enough to rule, all would be well.

But in 1135, against doctor's orders, he ate a hearty meal of lampreys, got acute indigestion, which turned into fever, and died. He was buried at his abbey in Reading---some said in a silver coffin, for which there was an unsuccessful search at the Dissolution. [Source: Who's Who in the Middle Ages, John Fines, Barnes & Noble Books, New York, 1995][jweber4.FTW]

Henry I was born in the year 1068---a factor he himself regarded as highly significant, for he was the only son of the Conqueror born after the conquest of England, and to Henry this meant he was heir to the throne. He was not an attractive proposition: he was dissolute to a degree, producing at least a score of bastards; but far worse he was prone to sadistic cruelty---on one occasion, for example, personally punishing a rebellious burgher by throwing him from the walls of his town.

At the death of William the Conqueror, Henry was left no lands, merely 5,000 pounds of silver. With these he bought lands from his elder brother Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy, only to see them taken back again a few years later by Robert, in unholy alliance with his brother William Rufus.

Henry could do little to avenge such treatment, but in England he found numerous barons who were tired of the exactions and ambitions of their king. He formed alliances with some of these, notably with the important de Clare family. He and some of the de Clares were with William Rufus on his last hunting expedition, and it is thought that the king's death was the result of Henry's plotting.

Certainly he moved fast to take advantage of it; leaving Rufus's body unattended in the woods, he swooped down on Winchester to take control of the treasury. Two days later he was in Westminster, being crowned by the Bishop of London. His speed is understandable when one realises that his elder brother, Robert [Curthose], was returning from the crusade, and claimed, with good reason, to be the true heir.

Henry showed great good sense in his first actions as King. He arrested Ranulph Flambard, William's tax-gatherer, and recalled Anselm, the exiled Archbishop. Furthermore, he issued a Charter of Liberties which promised speedy redress of grievances, and a return to the good government of the Conqueror. Putting aside for the moment his many mistresses, he married the sister of the King of Scots, who was descended from the royal line of Wessex; and lest the Norman barons should think him too pro-English in this action, he changed her name from Edith to Matilda. No one could claim that he did not aim to please.

In 1101 Robert Curthose invaded, but Henry met him at Alton, and persuaded him to go away again by promising him an annuity of 2,000. He had no intention of keeping up the payments, but the problem was temporarily solved.

He now felt strong enough to move against dissident barons who might give trouble in the future. Chief amongst these was the vicious Robert of Bellême, Earl of Shrewsbury, whom Henry had known for many years as a dangerous troublemaker. He set up a number of charges against him in the king's court, making it plain that if he appeared for trial he would be convicted and imprisoned. Thus Robert and his colleagues were forced into rebellion at a time not of their own choosing, were easily defeated and sent scuttling back to Normandy.

In Normandy Robert Curthose began to wreak his wrath on all connected with his brother, thus giving Henry an excellent chance to retaliate with charges of misgovernment and invade. He made two expeditions in 1104-5, before the great expedition of 1106 on which Robert was defeated at the hour-long battle of Tinchebrai, on the anniversary of Hastings. No one had expected such an easy victory, but Henry took advantage of the state of shock resulting from the battle to annex Normandy. Robert was imprisoned (in some comfort, it be said); he lived on for 28 more years, ending up in Cardiff castle whiling away the long hours learning Welsh. His son William Clito remained a free agent, to plague Henry for most of the rest of his reign.

In England the struggle with Anselm over the homage of bishops ran its course until the settlement of 1107. In matters of secular government life was more simple: Henry had found a brilliant administrator, Roger of Salisbury, to act as Justiciar for him. Roger had an inventive mind, a keen grasp of affairs, and the ability to single out young men of promise. He quickly built up a highly efficient team of administrators, and established new routines and forms of organisation within which they could work. To him we owe the Exchequer and its recording system of the Pipe Rolls, the circuits of royal justiciars spreading the king's peace, and the attempts at codification of law. Henry's good relationships with his barons, and with the burgeoning new towns owed much to skilful administration. Certainly he was able to gain a larger and more reliable revenue this way than by the crude extortion his brother had used.

In 1120 came the tragedy of the White Ship. The court was returning to England, and the finest ship in the land was filled with its young men, including Henry's son and heir William. Riotously drunk, they tried to go faster and faster, when suddenly the ship foundered. All hands except a butcher of Rouen were lost, and England was without an heir.

Henry's only legitimate child was Matilda, but she was married to the Emperor Henry V of Germany, and so could not succeed. But in 1125 her husband died, and Henry brought her home and forced the barons to swear fealty to her---though they did not like the prospect of a woman ruler. Henry then married her to Geoffrey of Anjou, the Normans' traditional enemy, and the barons were less happy---especially when the newly-weds had a terrible row, and Geoffrey ordered her out of his lands. In 1131 Henry, absolutely determined, forced the barons to swear fealty once more, and the fact that they did so is testimoney of his controlling power. Matilda and Geoffrey were reunited, and in 1133 she produced a son whom she named for his grandfather. If only Henry could live on until his grandson was old enough to rule, all would be well.

But in 1135, against doctor's orders, he ate a hearty meal of lampreys, got acute indigestion, which turned into fever, and died. He was buried at his abbey in Reading---some said in a silver coffin, for which there was an unsuccessful search at the Dissolution. [Source: Who's Who in the Middle Ages, John Fines, Barnes & Noble Books, New York, 1995][jweber3.FTW]


Henry I was born in the year 1068---a factor he himself regarded as highly significant, for he was the only son of the Conqueror born after the conquest of England, and to Henry this meant he was heir to the throne. He was not an attractive proposition: he was dissolute to a degree, producing at least a score of bastards; but far worse he was prone to sadistic cruelty---on one occasion, for example, personally punishing a rebellious burgher by throwing him from the walls of his town.

At the death of William the Conqueror, Henry was left no lands, merely 5,000 pounds of silver. With these he bought lands from his elder brother Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy, only to see them taken back again a few years later by Robert, in unholy alliance with his brother William Rufus.

Henry could do little to avenge such treatment, but in England he found numerous barons who were tired of the exactions and ambitions of their king. He formed alliances with some of these, notably with the important de Clare family. He and some of the de Clares were with William Rufus on his last hunting expedition, and it is thought that the king's death was the result of Henry's plotting.

Certainly he moved fast to take advantage of it; leaving Rufus's body unattended in the woods, he swooped down on Winchester to take control of the treasury. Two days later he was in Westminster, being crowned by the Bishop of London. His speed is understandable when one realises that his elder brother, Robert [Curthose], was returning from the crusade, and claimed, with good reason, to be the true heir.

Henry showed great good sense in his first actions as King. He arrested Ranulph Flambard, William's tax-gatherer, and recalled Anselm, the exiled Archbishop. Furthermore, he issued a Charter of Liberties which promised speedy redress of grievances, and a return to the good government of the Conqueror. Putting aside for the moment his many mistresses, he married the sister of the King of Scots, who was descended from the royal line of Wessex; and lest the Norman barons should think him too pro-English in this action, he changed her name from Edith to Matilda. No one could claim that he did not aim to please.

In 1101 Robert Curthose invaded, but Henry met him at Alton, and persuaded him to go away again by promising him an annuity of 2,000. He had no intention of keeping up the payments, but the problem was temporarily solved.

He now felt strong enough to move against dissident barons who might give trouble in the future. Chief amongst these was the vicious Robert of Bellême, Earl of Shrewsbury, whom Henry had known for many years as a dangerous troublemaker. He set up a number of charges against him in the king's court, making it plain that if he appeared for trial he would be convicted and imprisoned. Thus Robert and his colleagues were forced into rebellion at a time not of their own choosing, were easily defeated and sent scuttling back to Normandy.

In Normandy Robert Curthose began to wreak his wrath on all connected with his brother, thus giving Henry an excellent chance to retaliate with charges of misgovernment and invade. He made two expeditions in 1104-5, before the great expedition of 1106 on which Robert was defeated at the hour-long battle of Tinchebrai, on the anniversary of Hastings. No one had expected such an easy victory, but Henry took advantage of the state of shock resulting from the battle to annex Normandy. Robert was imprisoned (in some comfort, it be said); he lived on for 28 more years, ending up in Cardiff castle whiling away the long hours learning Welsh. His son William Clito remained a free agent, to plague Henry for most of the rest of his reign.

In England the struggle with Anselm over the homage of bishops ran its course until the settlement of 1107. In matters of secular government life was more simple: Henry had found a brilliant administrator, Roger of Salisbury, to act as Justiciar for him. Roger had an inventive mind, a keen grasp of affairs, and the ability to single out young men of promise. He quickly built up a highly efficient team of administrators, and established new routines and forms of organisation within which they could work. To him we owe the Exchequer and its recording system of the Pipe Rolls, the circuits of royal justiciars spreading the king's peace, and the attempts at codification of law. Henry's good relationships with his barons, and with the burgeoning new towns owed much to skilful administration. Certainly he was able to gain a larger and more reliable revenue this way than by the crude extortion his brother had used.

In 1120 came the tragedy of the White Ship. The court was returning to England, and the finest ship in the land was filled with its young men, including Henry's son and heir William. Riotously drunk, they tried to go faster and faster, when suddenly the ship foundered. All hands except a butcher of Rouen were lost, and England was without an heir.

Henry's only legitimate child was Matilda, but she was married to the Emperor Henry V of Germany, and so could not succeed. But in 1125 her husband died, and Henry brought her home and forced the barons to swear fealty to her---though they did not like the prospect of a woman ruler. Henry then married her to Geoffrey of Anjou, the Normans' traditional enemy, and the barons were less happy---especially when the newly-weds had a terrible row, and Geoffrey ordered her out of his lands. In 1131 Henry, absolutely determined, forced the barons to swear fealty once more, and the fact that they did so is testimoney of his controlling power. Matilda and Geoffrey were reunited, and in 1133 she produced a son whom she named for his grandfather. If only Henry could live on until his grandson was old enough to rule, all would be well.

But in 1135, against doctor's orders, he ate a hearty meal of lampreys, got acute indigestion, which turned into fever, and died. He was buried at his abbey in Reading---some said in a silver coffin, for which there was an unsuccessful search at the Dissolution. [Source: Who's Who in the Middle Ages, John Fines, Barnes & Noble Books, New York, 1995][dblocher[1].FTW]


From Encylcopedia Britannica Onlines, article entitled Henry I

"Also, HENRY BEAUCLERC (GOOD SCHOLAR), French HENRI BEAUCLERC youngest and ablest of William I the Conqueror's sons, who as king of England (1100-35) strengthened the crown's executive powers and, like his father, also ruled Normandy (from1106)."

"Henry I was a skillful, intelligent monarch who achieved peace in England, relative stability in Normandy, and notable administrative advances on both sides of the Channel. Under Henry, the Anglo-Norman state his father had created was reunited. Royal justices began making systematic tours of the English shires, but, although his administrative policies were highly efficient, they were not infrequently regarded as oppressive. His reign marked a significant advance from the informal, personal monarchy of former times toward the bureaucratized state that lay in the future. It also marked a shift from the wide-ranging imperialism of earlier Norman leaders to consolidation and internal development. In the generations before Henry's accession, Norman dukes, magnates, and adventurers had conquered southern Italy, Sicily, Antioch, and England. Henry won his major battles but preferred diplomacy or bribery to the risks of the battlefield. Subduing Normandy in 1106, he contented himself with keeping domestic peace, defending his Anglo-Norman state against rebellion and invasion, and making alliances with neighbouring princes."
King Henry I

By: Ryan Engler

The death of King Henry I in 1135 put Henry II on the path to the throne of England. Henry II lavish youth kept him sheltered from society only allowing him to have a couple friends. One of his life long friends soon became a burden because of differences in opinions about religion. Henry's intelligence and persistency from birth led him to be crowned King of England. The appointment of Thomas Becket to Archbishop by Henry II started the trend of conflict between the two over the separation of church and state. Henry II, the first of the Plantagents was the son of Geoffrey Plantagent and Matilda, daughter of Henry I. In 1152 Henry married Eleanor of Aquitaine, the ex-wife of Louis VII of France. With this marriage, Henry gained considerable amounts of land in France. In 1153 Henry returned to England after his stay in France and forced Stephens to name him the heir of the throne. Henry immediately appointed his long-term friend Thomas Becket, English Chancellor, to be Archbishop of Canterbury. Becket accepted the job of Archbishop in 1162 but he did it with some reluctance. Becket's unkind heart soon became a thorn in Henry's side.(Hay 107) By 1163, Becket had already defied Henry in one of his decisions. He challenged his former friend in his vehement to dismantle the ecclesiastical courts. Becket became an ardent defender of the interests of the church. Becket's hard-nosed attitude towards defending the Church of England showed just how important the church was to England. "The affairs between Henry and Becket became a highly colored by their personal relationships."("Henry II")
Their life long friendship was the only thing that kept the two on the same side. Another strong disagreement came between the two on the status of "criminous clerics." These were members of the clergy who had committed civil crimes. The crimes ranged from theft to assault and even murder. This became a total embarrassment to the church. Henry sought to have the members tried in the royal court, as would others who committed such crimes. Becket insisted that they only be tried in the clerical courts. The disagreement became a heated battle between the two. Becket stood firm on his belief that the matter should not be brought to a higher court. The situation would only bring even more embarrassment to the Church of England if the members were crucified in the public courts.(Bowden 78) The situation became such a heated battle between the two that in 1164 Becket sought refuge in France. During Becket's exile, Henry began to straighten up the country and straighten up the courts system. Henry also marched in and conquered Brittany without much opposition. During this time great reforms were made to the English law system. Henry used his intelligence and energy to make lasting changes in England. Several important legal reforms were made to the English Common Law. Henry continued to freely change and control the church without any opposition. Through the auspices of Pope Cutittus III, King and Archbishop were reconciled in 1170 and Becket was allowed to return to England. No sooner than he returned the two found themselves bickering over their different ideas. Neither of the two would yield their principals to each other. While Henry was away in Normandy word of Becket's actions were relayed to Henry. This outraged Henry that Becket could take advantage of him not being in the country. While on a walk with his noble knights Henry allegedly said, "will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?"(Henry II) Becket, again proved to be a burden to Henry. In response to Henry's remarks about Becket, four knights sought to find Becket back in Canterbury. The knights had taken Henry's words literally and traveled to Canterbury with the intentions of killing Becket, doing Henry a favor. Becket was openly slain by the four knights when he was kneeling at an evening prayer. Everyone's attention focused on Henry who was criticized for the murder. Henry was saddened and mourned when he learned of Becket's death. Henry claimed to be heartbroken and felt he needed forgiveness.(England during crusades) The knights pointed the ordering of the killing towards Henry as they tried to divert the attention. Henry's words were taken literally by the knights and they acted upon their own judgement.
Although evidence also pointed towards Henry, he was absolved of the crime by Pope Alexander III in 1172. Not long after Henry took a pilgrimage to the tomb of Thomas Becket in Canterbury. He did this to show his forgiveness to everyone and to clear his own inner conflicts. After Henry's struggles to clear his guilt over Becket's death he began to fall apart. Henry's sons began to fight over who would be heir to the throne. Henry favored John to heir the throne although John and Richard both rebelled to gain the respect they felt they deserved. In the later years, it proved to be Phillip II of France who proved to be the cunning opponent. Henry's last years were spent trying to hold on to what he had proudly built up. At Henrys death he was forced to name Richard the heir to the throne, and Richard was probably the least liked son.(Hay 175) The conflict over the separation of Church and State between Henry and Becket kept Henry's power over England in balance. Henry's ability to deal with the situation showed his intelligence and power. At Becket's death over the separation of Church and State proved that the monarch was the ultimate ruler over the land. King Henry II was burdened to his death over a guilt driven consci

This page is just a start. Not all information has bee varified.


King Henry I of England, surnamed Beauclerc. He was buried in the Abbey of Reading, which he had founded. He was given an excellent education, including the English law and language. As a younger son he was not expected to inherit the crown. Of his elder brothers, William received England and Robert became Duke of Normandy. When William died, in 1100, Robert was on a Crusade and Henry seized the crown. He issued a charter by which he promised to restore the "laws of Edward," exchange customary fees for the unlimited demands of his father and brother on the barons, stop the plundering of the church, and force the barons to do justice to their tenants. By marrying a descendant of the Anglo-Saxon Kings he completed his policy of allying himself with the native English. In both England and Normandy he was more popular with the non-feudal classes than with the barons. English levies helped him repel an invasion of Robert and his victory at Tinchebrai was regarded as an English victory in revenge for Hastings. Several times he was successful in putting down rebellions and conspiracies in Normandy. The chief institution created during his reign was that of the exchequer. Source: Royal Gen. In 1106 he captured Robert and held him until he died. Thus he was also Duke of Normandy from 1106 to 1135. Henry proved to be a hard but just ruler. He apparently died from overeating lampreys!

He was crowned 6 Aug 1100, at Westminster by Maurice, Bishop of London. He was the last male heir of the Norman line. He was called "Beauclerc" (or " Good Scholar"). He died at age 67, of ptomaine poisoning from a meal of lampreys.

!Pedigrees of some Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants - Langston-Buck The Plantagenet Chronicles, ed. by Dr. Elizabeth Hallam, p. 60.
!The Oxford Illustrated History of the British Monarchy by Cannon and Griffith.

BIRTH: Also given as 1070.
Royal Lineage
Henry I, called Beauclerc, seems to have made a much better king than his elder brother William. During his reign (1100-1135) the royal administration was expanded and the rule of law solidified. The Court of the Exchequer was formed to handle financial matters. It took its name from the checkered cloth or table on which the accounts were handled. One of the ways Henry raised money was by selling charters to towns. Charters were a special grant that enabled towns to build walls, raise local taxes and elect their own local administrators. During Henry's reign a new wave of monastic settlements began, beginning in 1128 when the Cistercians arrived from France. Many of the great monasteries, now ruined, are from this time period. One of the easiest ways of identifying buildings from this early Norman period is by the shape of their window, door, and arch openings, which are smoothly rounded. The language of the court, schools, the law, and the aristocracy was Norman French. It was not until the loss of Normandy in 1204 that the Normans began to learn English and a melding of the two languages began.
Jim Weber
Henry I was born in the year 1068---a factor he himself regarded as highly significant, for he was the only son of the Conqueror born after the conquest of England, and to Henry this meant he was heir to the throne. He was not an attractive proposition: he was dissolute to a degree, producing at least a score of bastards; but far worse he was prone to sadistic cruelty---on one occasion, for example, personally punishing a rebellious burgher by throwing him from the walls of his town.

At the death of William the Conqueror, Henry was left no lands, merely 5,000 pounds of silver. With these he bought lands from his elder brother Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy, only to see them taken back again a few years later by Robert, in unholy alliance with his brother William Rufus.

Henry could do little to avenge such treatment, but in England he found numerous barons who were tired of the exactions and ambitions of their king. He formed alliances with some of these, notably with the important de Clare family. He and some of the de Clares were with William Rufus on his last hunting expedition, and it is thought that the king's death was the result of Henry's plotting.

Certainly he moved fast to take advantage of it; leaving Rufus's body unattended in the woods, he swooped down on Winchester to take control of the treasury. Two days later he was in Westminster, being crowned by the Bishop of London. His speed is understandable when one realises that his elder brother, Robert [Curthose], was returning from the crusade, and claimed, with good reason, to be the true heir.

Henry showed great good sense in his first actions as King. He arrested Ranulph Flambard, William's tax-gatherer, and recalled Anselm, the exiled Archbishop. Furthermore, he issued a Charter of Liberties which promised speedy redress of grievances, and a return to the good government of the Conqueror. Putting aside for the moment his many mistresses, he married the sister of the King of Scots, who was descended from the royal line of Wessex; and lest the Norman barons should think him too pro-English in this action, he changed her name from Edith to Matilda. No one could claim that he did not aim to please.

In 1101 Robert Curthose invaded, but Henry met him at Alton, and persuaded him to go away again by promising him an annuity of 2,000. He had no intention of keeping up the payments, but the problem was temporarily solved.

He now felt strong enough to move against dissident barons who might give trouble in the future. Chief amongst these was the vicious Robert of Bellême, Earl of Shrewsbury, whom Henry had known for many years as a dangerous troublemaker. He set up a number of charges against him in the king's court, making it plain that if he appeared for trial he would be convicted and imprisoned. Thus Robert and his colleagues were forced into rebellion at a time not of their own choosing, were easily defeated and sent scuttling back to Normandy.

In Normandy Robert Curthose began to wreak his wrath on all connected with his brother, thus giving Henry an excellent chance to retaliate with charges of misgovernment and invade. He made two expeditions in 1104-5, before the great expedition of 1106 on which Robert was defeated at the hour-long battle of Tinchebrai, on the anniversary of Hastings. No one had expected such an easy victory, but Henry took advantage of the state of shock resulting from the battle to annex Normandy. Robert was imprisoned (in some comfort, it be said); he lived on for 28 more years, ending up in Cardiff castle whiling away the long hours learning Welsh. His son William Clito remained a free agent, to plague Henry for most of the rest of his reign.

In England the struggle with Anselm over the homage of bishops ran its course until the settlement of 1107. In matters of secular government life was more simple: Henry had found a brilliant administrator, Roger of Salisbury, to act as Justiciar for him. Roger had an inventive mind, a keen grasp of affairs, and the ability to single out young men of promise. He quickly built up a highly efficient team of administrators, and established new routines and forms of organisation within which they could work. To him we owe the Exchequer and its recording system of the Pipe Rolls, the circuits of royal justiciars spreading the king's peace, and the attempts at codification of law. Henry's good relationships with his barons, and with the burgeoning new towns owed much to skilful administration. Certainly he was able to gain a larger and more reliable revenue this way than by the crude extortion his brother had used.

In 1120 came the tragedy of the White Ship. The court was returning to England, and the finest ship in the land was filled with its young men, including Henry's son and heir William. Riotously drunk, they tried to go faster and faster, when suddenly the ship foundered. All hands except a butcher of Rouen were lost, and England was without an heir.

Henry's only legitimate child was Matilda, but she was married to the Emperor Henry V of Germany, and so could not succeed. But in 1125 her husband died, and Henry brought her home and forced the barons to swear fealty to her---though they did not like the prospect of a woman ruler. Henry then married her to Geoffrey of Anjou, the Normans' traditional enemy, and the barons were less happy---especially when the newly-weds had a terrible row, and Geoffrey ordered her out of his lands. In 1131 Henry, absolutely determined, forced the barons to swear fealty once more, and the fact that they did so is testimony of his controlling power. Matilda and Geoffrey were reunited, and in 1133 she produced a son whom she named for his grandfather. If only Henry could live on until his grandson was old enough to rule, all would be well.

But in 1135, against doctor's orders, he ate a hearty meal of lampreys, got acute indigestion, which turned into fever, and died. He was buried at his abbey in Reading---some said in a silver coffin, for which there was an unsuccessful search at the Dissolution. [Source: Who's Who in the Middle Ages, John Fines, Barnes & Noble Books, New York, 1995]

Henry I was born in the year 1068---a factor he himself regarded as highly significant, for he was the only son of the Conqueror born after the conquest of England, and to Henry this meant he was heir to the throne. He was not an attractive proposition: he was dissolute to a degree, producing at least a score of bastards; but far worse he was prone to sadistic cruelty---on one occasion, for example, personally punishing a rebellious burgher by throwing him from the walls of his town.

At the death of William the Conqueror, Henry was left no lands, merely 5,000 pounds of silver. With these he bought lands from his elder brother Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy, only to see them taken back again a few years later by Robert, in unholy alliance with his brother William Rufus.

Henry could do little to avenge such treatment, but in England he found numerous barons who were tired of the exactions and ambitions of their king. He formed alliances with some of these, notably with the important de Clare family. He and some of the de Clares were with William Rufus on his last hunting expedition, and it is thought that the king's death was the result of Henry's plotting.

Certainly he moved fast to take advantage of it; leaving Rufus's body unattended in the woods, he swooped down on Winchester to take control of the treasury. Two days later he was in Westminster, being crowned by the Bishop of London. His speed is understandable when one realises that his elder brother, Robert [Curthose], was returning from the crusade, and claimed, with good reason, to be the true heir.

Henry showed great good sense in his first actions as King. He arrested Ranulph Flambard, William's tax-gatherer, and recalled Anselm, the exiled Archbishop. Furthermore, he issued a Charter of Liberties which promised speedy redress of grievances, and a return to the good government of the Conqueror. Putting aside for the moment his many mistresses, he married the sister of the King of Scots, who was descended from the royal line of Wessex; and lest the Norman barons should think him too pro-English in this action, he changed her name from Edith to Matilda. No one could claim that he did not aim to please.

In 1101 Robert Curthose invaded, but Henry met him at Alton, and persuaded him to go away again by promising him an annuity of 2,000. He had no intention of keeping up the payments, but the problem was temporarily solved.

He now felt strong enough to move against dissident barons who might give trouble in the future. Chief amongst these was the vicious Robert of BellIme, Earl of Shrewsbury, whom Henry had known for many years as a dangerous troublemaker. He set up a number of charges against him in the king's court, making it plain that if he appeared for trial he would be convicted and imprisoned. Thus Robert and his colleagues were forced into rebellion at a time not of their own choosing, were easily defeated and sent scuttling back to Normandy.

In Normandy Robert Curthose began to wreak his wrath on all connected with his brother, thus giving Henry an excellent chance to retaliate with charges of misgovernment and invade. He made two expeditions in 1104-5, before the great expedition of 1106 on which Robert was defeated at the hour-long battle of Tinchebrai, on the anniversary of Hastings. No one had expected such an easy victory, but Henry took advantage of the state of shock resulting from the battle to annex Normandy. Robert was imprisoned (in some comfort, it be said); he lived on for 28 more years, ending up in Cardiff castle whiling away the long hours learning Welsh. His son William Clito remained a free agent, to plague Henry for most of the rest of his reign.

In England the struggle with Anselm over the homage of bishops ran its course until the settlement of 1107. In matters of secular government life was more simple: Henry had found a brilliant administrator, Roger of Salisbury, to act as Justiciar for him. Roger had an inventive mind, a keen grasp of affairs, and the ability to single out young men of promise. He quickly built up a highly efficient team of administrators, and established new routines and forms of organisation within which they could work. To him we owe the Exchequer and its recording system of the Pipe Rolls, the circuits of royal justiciars spreading the king's peace, and the attempts at codification of law. Henry's good relationships with his barons, and with the burgeoning new towns owed much to skilful administration. Certainly he was able to gain a larger and more reliable revenue this way than by the crude extortion his brother had used.

In 1120 came the tragedy of the White Ship. The court was returning to England, and the finest ship in the land was filled with its young men, including Henry's son and heir William. Riotously drunk, they tried to go faster and faster, when suddenly the ship foundered. All hands except a butcher of Rouen were lost, and England was without an heir.

Henry's only legitimate child was Matilda, but she was married to the Emperor Henry V of Germany, and so could not succeed. But in 1125 her husband died, and Henry brought her home and forced the barons to swear fealty to her---though they did not like the prospect of a woman ruler. Henry then married her to Geoffrey of Anjou, the Normans' traditional enemy, and the barons were less happy---especially when the newly-weds had a terrible row, and Geoffrey ordered her out of his lands. In 1131 Henry, absolutely determined, forced the barons to swear fealty once more, and the fact that they did so is testimoney of his controlling power. Matilda and Geoffrey were reunited, and in 1133 she produced a son whom she named for his grandfather. If only Henry could live on until his grandson was old enough to rule, all would be well.

But in 1135, against doctor's orders, he ate a hearty meal of lampreys, got acute indigestion, which turned into fever, and died. He was buried at his abbey in Reading---some said in a silver coffin, for which there was an unsuccessful search at the Dissolution. [Source: Who's Who in the Middle Ages, John Fines, Barnes & Noble Books, New York, 1995]


King Henry I of England, surnamed Beauclerc. He was buried in the Abbey of Reading, which he had founded. He was given an excellent education, including the English law and language. As a younger son he was not expected to inherit the crown. Of his elder brothers, William received England and Robert became Duke of Normandy. When William died, in 1100, Robert was on a Crusade and Henry seized the crown. He issued a charter by which he promised to restore the "laws of Edward," exchange customary fees for the unlimited demands of his father and brother on the barons, stop the plundering of the church, and force the barons to do justice to their tenants. By marrying a descendant of the Anglo-Saxon Kings he completed his policy of allying himself with the native English. In both England and Normandy he was more popular with the non-feudal classes than with the barons. English levies helped him repel an invasion of Robert and his victory at Tinchebrai was regarded as an English victory in revenge for Hastings. Several times he was successful in putting down rebellions and conspiracies in Normandy. The chief institution created during his reign was that of the exchequer. Source: Royal Gen. In 1106 he captured Robert and held him until he died. Thus he was also Duke of Normandy from 1106 to 1135. Henry proved to be a hard but just ruler. He apparently died from overeating lampreys!

He was crowned 6 Aug 1100, at Westminster by Maurice, Bishop of London. He was the last male heir of the Norman line. He was called "Beauclerc" (or " Good Scholar"). He died at age 67, of ptomaine poisoning from a meal of lampreys.

!Pedigrees of some Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants - Langston-Buck The Plantagenet Chronicles, ed. by Dr. Elizabeth Hallam, p. 60.
!The Oxford Illustrated History of the British Monarchy by Cannon and Griffith.

BIRTH: Also given as 1070.
Royal Lineage
Henry I, called Beauclerc, seems to have made a much better king than his elder brother William. During his reign (1100-1135) the royal administration was expanded and the rule of law solidified. The Court of the Exchequer was formed to handle financial matters. It took its name from the checkered cloth or table on which the accounts were handled. One of the ways Henry raised money was by selling charters to towns. Charters were a special grant that enabled towns to build walls, raise local taxes and elect their own local administrators. During Henry's reign a new wave of monastic settlements began, beginning in 1128 when the Cistercians arrived from France. Many of the great monasteries, now ruined, are from this time period. One of the easiest ways of identifying buildings from this early Norman period is by the shape of their window, door, and arch openings, which are smoothly rounded. The language of the court, schools, the law, and the aristocracy was Norman French. It was not until the loss of Normandy in 1204 that the Normans began to learn English and a melding of the two languages began.
Jim Weber
Henry I was born in the year 1068---a factor he himself regarded as highly significant, for he was the only son of the Conqueror born after the conquest of England, and to Henry this meant he was heir to the throne. He was not an attractive proposition: he was dissolute to a degree, producing at least a score of bastards; but far worse he was prone to sadistic cruelty---on one occasion, for example, personally punishing a rebellious burgher by throwing him from the walls of his town.

At the death of William the Conqueror, Henry was left no lands, merely 5,000 pounds of silver. With these he bought lands from his elder brother Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy, only to see them taken back again a few years later by Robert, in unholy alliance with his brother William Rufus.

Henry could do little to avenge such treatment, but in England he found numerous barons who were tired of the exactions and ambitions of their king. He formed alliances with some of these, notably with the important de Clare family. He and some of the de Clares were with William Rufus on his last hunting expedition, and it is thought that the king's death was the result of Henry's plotting.

Certainly he moved fast to take advantage of it; leaving Rufus's body unattended in the woods, he swooped down on Winchester to take control of the treasury. Two days later he was in Westminster, being crowned by the Bishop of London. His speed is understandable when one realises that his elder brother, Robert [Curthose], was returning from the crusade, and claimed, with good reason, to be the true heir.

Henry showed great good sense in his first actions as King. He arrested Ranulph Flambard, William's tax-gatherer, and recalled Anselm, the exiled Archbishop. Furthermore, he issued a Charter of Liberties which promised speedy redress of grievances, and a return to the good government of the Conqueror. Putting aside for the moment his many mistresses, he married the sister of the King of Scots, who was descended from the royal line of Wessex; and lest the Norman barons should think him too pro-English in this action, he changed her name from Edith to Matilda. No one could claim that he did not aim to please.

In 1101 Robert Curthose invaded, but Henry met him at Alton, and persuaded him to go away again by promising him an annuity of 2,000. He had no intention of keeping up the payments, but the problem was temporarily solved.

He now felt strong enough to move against dissident barons who might give trouble in the future. Chief amongst these was the vicious Robert of Bellême, Earl of Shrewsbury, whom Henry had known for many years as a dangerous troublemaker. He set up a number of charges against him in the king's court, making it plain that if he appeared for trial he would be convicted and imprisoned. Thus Robert and his colleagues were forced into rebellion at a time not of their own choosing, were easily defeated and sent scuttling back to Normandy.

In Normandy Robert Curthose began to wreak his wrath on all connected with his brother, thus giving Henry an excellent chance to retaliate with charges of misgovernment and invade. He made two expeditions in 1104-5, before the great expedition of 1106 on which Robert was defeated at the hour-long battle of Tinchebrai, on the anniversary of Hastings. No one had expected such an easy victory, but Henry took advantage of the state of shock resulting from the battle to annex Normandy. Robert was imprisoned (in some comfort, it be said); he lived on for 28 more years, ending up in Cardiff castle whiling away the long hours learning Welsh. His son William Clito remained a free agent, to plague Henry for most of the rest of his reign.

In England the struggle with Anselm over the homage of bishops ran its course until the settlement of 1107. In matters of secular government life was more simple: Henry had found a brilliant administrator, Roger of Salisbury, to act as Justiciar for him. Roger had an inventive mind, a keen grasp of affairs, and the ability to single out young men of promise. He quickly built up a highly efficient team of administrators, and established new routines and forms of organisation within which they could work. To him we owe the Exchequer and its recording system of the Pipe Rolls, the circuits of royal justiciars spreading the king's peace, and the attempts at codification of law. Henry's good relationships with his barons, and with the burgeoning new towns owed much to skilful administration. Certainly he was able to gain a larger and more reliable revenue this way than by the crude extortion his brother had used.

In 1120 came the tragedy of the White Ship. The court was returning to England, and the finest ship in the land was filled with its young men, including Henry's son and heir William. Riotously drunk, they tried to go faster and faster, when suddenly the ship foundered. All hands except a butcher of Rouen were lost, and England was without an heir.

Henry's only legitimate child was Matilda, but she was married to the Emperor Henry V of Germany, and so could not succeed. But in 1125 her husband died, and Henry brought her home and forced the barons to swear fealty to her---though they did not like the prospect of a woman ruler. Henry then married her to Geoffrey of Anjou, the Normans' traditional enemy, and the barons were less happy---especially when the newly-weds had a terrible row, and Geoffrey ordered her out of his lands. In 1131 Henry, absolutely determined, forced the barons to swear fealty once more, and the fact that they did so is testimony of his controlling power. Matilda and Geoffrey were reunited, and in 1133 she produced a son whom she named for his grandfather. If only Henry could live on until his grandson was old enough to rule, all would be well.

But in 1135, against doctor's orders, he ate a hearty meal of lampreys, got acute indigestion, which turned into fever, and died. He was buried at his abbey in Reading---some said in a silver coffin, for which there was an unsuccessful search at the Dissolution. [Source: Who's Who in the Middle Ages, John Fines, Barnes & Noble Books, New York, 1995]


1 NAME Henry I King of /England/
1 NAME /Henry/ I
2 DATE 1068
2 DATE 1135

BIOGRAPHY: Henry was in reality a usurper. He impris oned his older brother, Robert in Cardiff Castle in Wales, and it is said he ha d Robert's eyes put out. Henry reigned thirty-five years, not only over England , but over one third of France. In 1120 the White Ship went down on a hidden ro ck in the English Channel with the Crown Prince on board and it is said Henry I is never known to have smiled again. He had only one child left, Maude-Matilda , then a widow of the German Emperor Henry V. For political reasons she was nex t married to Geoffrey of Anjou, a boy of sixteen, ten years her junior. After t he death of Henry I there was civil war between Matilda and her nephew Stephen, who got the throne for nineteen years. At one point in this contest Matilda ha d to escape from the Robert Doyley tower of Oxford Castle by sliding down a rop e with gloved hands, the rope held by her favorite knight, Alain. She, with a f ew others dressed in white to avoid detection, crossed in the snowy night over the frozen Thames. The condition of the English people was deplorable during th e reign of Henry I, owing to the blood-curdling cruelty of the Barons. Henry es tablished a vigorous police system to check this, and tried to stop counterfeit ing the money by mutilations. He oppressed his people by taxation.

BIOGRAPH Y: Henry I was born in the year 1068---a factor he himself regarded as highly s ignificant, for he was the only son of the Conqueror born after the conquest of England, and to Henry this meant he was heir to the throne. He was not an attr active proposition: he was dissolute to a degree, producing at least a score of bastards; but far worse he was prone to sadistic cruelty---on one occasion, fo r example, personally punishing a rebellious burgher by throwing him from the w alls of his town.

BIOGRAPHY: At the death of William the Conqueror, Henry wa s left no lands, merely 5,000 pounds of silver. With these he bought lands from his elder brother Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy, only to see them taken ba ck again a few years later by Robert, in unholy alliance with his brother Willi am Rufus.

BIOGRAPHY: Henry could do little to avenge such treatment, but in England he found numerous barons who were tired of the exactions and ambitions of their king. He formed alliances with some of these, notably with the import ant De Clare family. He and some of the De Clares were with William Rufus on hi s last hunting expedition, and it is thought that the king's death was the resu lt of Henry's plotting.

BIOGRAPHY: Certainly he moved fast to take advantage of it; leaving Rufus's body unattended in the woods, he swooped down on Winche ster to take control of the treasury. Two days later he was in Westminster, bei ng crowned by the Bishop of London. His speed is understandable when one realis es that his elder brother, Robert [Curthose], was returning from the crusade, a nd claimed, with good reason, to be the true heir.

BIOGRAPHY: Henry showed g reat good sense in his first actions as King. He arrested Ranulph Flambard, Wil liam's tax-gatherer, and recalled Anselm, the exiled Archbishop. Furthermore, h e issued a Charter of Liberties which promised speedy redress of grievances, an d a return to the good government of the Conqueror. Putting aside for the momen t his many mistresses, he married the sister of the King of Scots, who was desc ended from the royal line of Wessex; and lest the Norman barons should think hi m too pro-English in this action, he canged her name from Edith to Matilda. No one could claim that he did not aim to please.

BIOGRAPHY: In 1101 Robert Cur those invaded, but Henry met him at Alton, and persuaded him to go away again b y promising him an annuity of 2,000. He had no intention of keeping up the pay ments, but the problem was temporarily solved.

BIOGRAPHY: He now felt strong enough to move against dissident barons who migh[silveriemoon[8]124.FTW]










Henry I was born in the year 1068---a factor he himself regarded as highly significant, for he was the only son of the Conqueror born after the conquest of England, and to Henry this meant he was heir to the throne. He was not an attractive proposition: he was dissolute to a degree, producing at least a score of bastards; but far worse he was prone to sadistic cruelty---on one occasion, for example, personally punishing a rebellious burgher by throwing him from the walls of his town.

At the death of William the Conqueror, Henry was left no lands, merely 5,000 pounds of silver. With these he bought lands from his elder brother Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy, only to see them taken back again a few years later by Robert, in unholy alliance with his brother William Rufus.

Henry could do little to avenge such treatment, but in England he found numerous barons who were tired of the exactions and ambitions of their king. He formed alliances with some of these, notably with the important de Clare family. He and some of the de Clares were with William Rufus on his last hunting expedition, and it is thought that the king's death was the result of Henry's plotting.

Certainly he moved fast to take advantage of it; leaving Rufus's body unattended in the woods, he swooped down on Winchester to take control of the treasury. Two days later he was in Westminster, being crowned by the Bishop of London. His speed is understandable when one realises that his elder brother, Robert [Curthose], was returning from the crusade, and claimed, with good reason, to be the true heir.

Henry showed great good sense in his first actions as King. He arrested Ranulph Flambard, William's tax-gatherer, and recalled Anselm, the exiled Archbishop. Furthermore, he issued a Charter of Liberties which promised speedy redress of grievances, and a return to the good government of the Conqueror. Putting aside for the moment his many mistresses, he married the sister of the King of Scots, who was descended from the royal line of Wessex; and lest the Norman barons should think him too pro-English in this action, he changed her name from Edith to Matilda. No one could claim that he did not aim to please.

In 1101 Robert Curthose invaded, but Henry met him at Alton, and persuaded him to go away again by promising him an annuity of 2,000. He had no intention of keeping up the payments, but the problem was temporarily solved.

He now felt strong enough to move against dissident barons who might give trouble in the future. Chief amongst these was the vicious Robert of Bellême, Earl of Shrewsbury, whom Henry had known for many years as a dangerous troublemaker. He set up a number of charges against him in the king's court, making it plain that if he appeared for trial he would be convicted and imprisoned. Thus Robert and his colleagues were forced into rebellion at a time not of their own choosing, were easily defeated and sent scuttling back to Normandy.

In Normandy Robert Curthose began to wreak his wrath on all connected with his brother, thus giving Henry an excellent chance to retaliate with charges of misgovernment and invade. He made two expeditions in 1104-5, before the great expedition of 1106 on which Robert was defeated at the hour-long battle of Tinchebrai, on the anniversary of Hastings. No one had expected such an easy victory, but Henry took advantage of the state of shock resulting from the battle to annex Normandy. Robert was imprisoned (in some comfort, it be said); he lived on for 28 more years, ending up in Cardiff castle whiling away the long hours learning Welsh. His son William Clito remained a free agent, to plague Henry for most of the rest of his reign.

In England the struggle with Anselm over the homage of bishops ran its course until the settlement of 1107. In matters of secular government life was more simple: Henry had found a brilliant administrator, Roger of Salisbury, to act as Justiciar for him. Roger had an inventive mind, a keen grasp of affairs, and the ability to single out young men of promise. He quickly built up a highly efficient team of administrators, and established new routines and forms of organisation within which they could work. To him we owe the Exchequer and its recording system of the Pipe Rolls, the circuits of royal justiciars spreading the king's peace, and the attempts at codification of law. Henry's good relationships with his barons, and with the burgeoning new towns owed much to skilful administration. Certainly he was able to gain a larger and more reliable revenue this way than by the crude extortion his brother had used.

In 1120 came the tragedy of the White Ship. The court was returning to England, and the finest ship in the land was filled with its young men,
grandson was old enough to rule, all would be well.

Name Prefix: King of England Nickname: "Beauclerc" Ancestral FileNumber: 8XJ0-6V
!"The Oxford History of Britain" by Kenneth Morgan, 1984, pp.113-149. "Royal Ancestors" by Michel Call, 1989, Chart 00063;), a daughter whomarried William Goet III, Lord of Montminerael; Maud, became Abbess ofMontvilliers and is sometimes confused with Isabel; a daughter, perhaps identical toanother natural daughter listed in system or above, whom Henr

Married/ Related to:

woman Mistress‏‎


woman Elizabeth de Normandy‏
Born ‎± 1100 at Of,Talby,Yorkshire,England‎
woman Sibyl Elizabeth De Falsise Queen of Scotland‏
Born ‎ at Westminster,Middlesex,England
She was illegitimate daughter of Henry I...who was married to Alexander's
sister Maud.
Adopted child: woman Elizabeth de Normandy‏

2nd marriage
man Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of England‏‎, son of William "The Conqueror" of England and Matilda (Maud) Countess Flanders [Queen Of Englan , [Queen Of Englan‏.

Married ‎ 89> at 6 children to:

woman Sybil Corbet‏‎, daughter of Robert Corbet and N.N.‏. Adoption parents: Robert Sir Corbet and N.N.
Born ‎± 1100 at Alcester,WARW,Eng., died ‎after 1157‎, ‎1st marriage to: Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of England, 2nd marriage to: Herbert Fitzherbert

This page is just a start. Not all information has bee varified.

Apparently a mistress of Henry I Beauclerc.
Alt Death: 1139

Sibyl (or Adela or Lucia) Corbet, living 1157, daughter and coheir of Robert Corbet, mistress of Henry I, lady of Alcester, co. Warwick and of Pontesbury and Woodcote, co. Salop (by Henry I she was mother of Reginald Fitz Roy, Earl of Cornwall). [Ancestral Roots]

Still Living.


man Robert De Caen Duke Of Gloucester , Duke Of Gloucester‏
Also known as: N1461, born ‎ 1088 at Caen,Normandy,France, died ‎ Oct 31, 1147 at Bristol,Avon,England‎, 58 or 59 years, buried ‎ at Prior Of St. James,Bristol
Sources: Complete Peerage; Norr; Kraentzler 1143b, 1342, 1346, 1350;A. Roots 63, 124, 124A, 125, 132A; Royal Descents; The Normans and Their Myth byR.H.C. Davis; Ayers, p351.
Roots: Robert. Called "The Consul." Earl of Gloucester, 1122-1147.Natural son of Henry I. Does not name his mother.
K: Robert "the Consul," 1st Earl of Gloucester. Also RobertFitz-Hamon, Earl of Corbeil, Seigneur de Cruelli. Married 1109.
CP: Mother unknown. Will go with this.
Descents: Robert of Caen, lst Earl of Gloucester, married MabelFitzHarmon. He was illegitimate by an unknown mother. Page 409.

K-1346 says Sibyl de Corbet was POSSIBLY the mother of Robert of Caen.So does *P member who cites no source. K-1342 says his mother was aconcubine. Sibyl also was a mistress of Henry I and bore him several children.

K-1350: Robert "The Consul", Earl of Gloucester; born about 1090; died 31 Oct. 1147 at Bristol, Gloucester; buried at the Priory of St. James, Gloucester. Says he was the son of Sibyl de Corbet, no hedges in thisline.

Davis: Robert, Earl of Gloucester, held one of the largest honours in England and Normandy. He had very large estates in the west of Englandand also was prominent in Wales as Lord of Glamorgan.
Ayers: Robert de Caen, Earl of Gloucester; illegitimate son of KingHenry I. Start of the Gloucester/Earls of Gloucester line.

Name Suffix: Prince of England Ancestral File Number: 9FTK-Z4

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.

This page is just a start. Not all information has bee varified.

Robert, EARL OF GLOUCESTER, by Mabel, daughter and heir of Robert FITZ-HAMOND, lord of Tewkesbury. [Complete Peerage]


[From Burke's Peerage-see source for details]

An undoubted Earl of Gloucester, perhaps the first authentic one, at any rate after the Conquest, is Robert FitzHamon's son-in-law, another Robert, who was an illegitimate son of Henry I and was so created 1122. The Earldom passed to his eldest son, William FitzRobert, and from him to John, later King John and husband from 1189 to 1199 (when he divorced her) of Isabel, the youngest of William FitzRobert's three daughters. On John's coming to the throne the title did not merge in the Crown for it was not his in his own right but in right of his wife.

He was created Earl of Gloucester in 1122.

He was the natural son of King Henry I, perhaps from Nesta Ferch Rhys. He was created Earl of Gloucester in 1122. He served his half-sister, Matilda in her bid for the Throne of England.

He was created Earl of Gloucester in 1122.

He was the natural son of King Henry I, perhaps from Nesta Ferch Rhys. He was created Earl of Gloucester in 1122. He served his half-sister, Matilda in her bid for the Throne of England.

He was the Earl of Gloucester 1122-1147.

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.
woman Constance Princess of England‏
Born ‎ 1098 at ,,England, died ‎ at Y

This page is just a start. Not all information has bee varified.
woman Matilda Or Maud ENGLAND‏
Born ‎ <1105> at <,,England>‎
man Gilbert‏‎
Born ‎± 1130 at <,,England>‎
man William Constable‏‎
Born ‎before 1105 at <,,England>‎
woman Gundred‏‎
Born ‎ <1101> at <,,England>‎
woman ENGLAND‏‎
Born ‎ <1102> at <,,England>‎
woman Joan Or Elizabeth‏‎
Born ‎ <1104> at <,,England>‎
woman Emma‏‎
Born ‎ <1106> at <,,England>‎
woman Sybilla Falaise‏‎
Born ‎ <1110> at <,,England>‎
man Prince Robert of Gloucester Earl of Gloucester , Earl of Gloucester‏
Born ‎ 1086, died ‎ Oct 31, 1147 at Bristol,Eng.‎, 60 or 61 years
woman Sibyl Elizabeth of England Queen of Scotland , Queen of Scotland‏
Born ‎± 1090 at Westminster,Middlesex,England, died ‎ Jul 12, 1122 at ,,Scotland‎, approximately 32 years
man Prince William of England Baron of Tracy , Baron of Tracy‏
Born ‎ 1093 at of Bradninch,Devonshire,England, died ‎ 1136‎, 42 or 43 years
woman Princess Gundred of England‏‎
Born ‎ 1095 at of England‎
Alt Birth: Abt 1114 of England
man Gilbert‏‎
Born ‎ 98> at
woman Rohese Princess of England‏
Born ‎ 1099 at <,,England>, died ‎ at Y

This page is just a start. Not all information has bee varified.
woman Eustacie‏‎
Born ‎ <1104> at
man Prince William of England Constable , Constable‏‎
Born ‎ 1105 at of England‎
woman Alice‏‎
Born ‎ <1106> at
woman Daughter‏‎
Born ‎ <1112> at
man Rainald de Dunstanville Earl of Cornwall , Earl of Cornwall‏
Also known as: N1484, born ‎ 1128 at of Dunstanville,Kent,England, died ‎ Jul 1, 1175 at Chertsey,Surrey,England‎, 46 or 47 years, buried ‎ Jul 1175 at Reading,BERK,Eng.
Source: Royal Gen.
Alt Birth: Abt 1110 of Dunstanville, Kent, England
Alt Death: 1202

This page is just a start. Not all information has bee varified.


Reynold de Dunstanville, one of the 14 illegitimate children of Henry I, was the son of Sybil, daughter of Sir Robert Corbet, of Alcester, co. Warwick, and having m. ?Mabel, daughter and (in her issue) heir of William Fitz Richard, a man of huge estates in Cornwall, was created about Apr 1141, Earl of Cornwall, probably by the Empress Maud, but the title was fully recognised subsequently by King Stephen. He was a witness to the compromise between Stephen and Henry, 1153. Sheriff of Devon, 1173-75. He was in command, ex parte Regis, Oct 1173, against the rebellious Barons. He d. spm legit, at Chertsey, Surrey, 1 July 1175, and was buried in the Abbey of Reading, when the Earldom reverted to the Crown. [Complete Peerage, III:429 as corrected by XIV:207]

Name Suffix: Earl of Cornwall Ancestral File Number: 8XJ3-4X

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.
woman Alice Or Aline England‏
Born ‎ 1099 at Selby,Yorkshire,England, died ‎ 1141‎, 41 or 42 years
man Renaud de Cornouailles‏
Born ‎after 1100, died ‎ 1175‎, at most 75 years
Name Suffix: comte, de Cornouailles
Name Suffix: comte, de Cornouailles
1 NAME RÃginald de Dunstanville

This is the research of Rebekah Canada ( Many of the people in this database have not been varified.
woman Elizaberth Joan Fitz-Henry Of England , Of England‏
Born ‎ 1084 at Of,Talby,Yorkshire,England‎
Also Known As:<_AKA> /Elizabeth/
Name Suffix: Of England

3rd marriage
man Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of England‏‎, son of William "The Conqueror" of England and Matilda (Maud) Countess Flanders [Queen Of Englan , [Queen Of Englan‏.

Married ‎± 1120 at ,,England (approximately 15 years married) to:

woman Isabel (Elizabeth) de Beaumont‏‎, daughter of Robert de Beaumont Earl of Leicester , Earl of Leicester and Isabel De Crepi De Vermandois‏.
Also known as: Isabella /de Meulan/, born ‎± 1086/1096 at Of,Leicester,Leicestershire,England, died ‎± 1147 at Carmarthen,Carmarthenshire,Wales‎, approximately 61 years, ‎1st marriage to: Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of England, 2nd marriage to: Gilbert "Strongbow" de Clare
Also known as Elizabeth.


man Reginald FitzHenry de Mortain‏
Born ‎± 1110/1115, died ‎ Jul 1, 1175 at ,Chertsey,Surry,England‎, approximately 65 years, buried ‎ at Reading Abbey,Reading,Berkshire,England
Sources: Complete Peerage (new edition), Vol. 11, Appendix S; A. Roots50, 121; Royal Descents; AF.
Roots: Reginald Fitz Roy (or Fitz Henry) de Mortain, died 1 July 1175. (Natural son of King Henry I and Sybil Corbet. Earl of Cornwall, April1141. Sheriff of Devon, 1173.
Descents: Reginald Fitz Roy or de Mortain, Earl of Cornwall.Illegitimate by Sybil Corbet.
AF: Reginald FitzRoy de Dunstanville.

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.
woman Isabel‏‎
Born ‎± 1120 at
Born ‎ <1122> at
woman Isabel Hedwig‏‎
Born ‎± 1120 at of England‎
Ancestral File Number: 9FTM-NT

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.

4th marriage
man Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of England‏‎, son of William "The Conqueror" of England and Matilda (Maud) Countess Flanders [Queen Of Englan , [Queen Of Englan‏.

Married ‎ Nov 11, 1100 at Westminster,London,Middlesex,England (17 years married) to:

woman Matilda "Atheling" Princess of Scotland‏‎, daughter of Malcolm Caenmore III King of Scotland and Margaret "the Saint" of England‏. Adoption parents: N.N. and N.N.
Also known as: Matilda (Edith) of Scotland /Pss of Alba/, born ‎± 1079/1080 at ,Dunfermline,Fifeshire,Scotland, died ‎ May 1, 1118 at ,Westminster,Middlesex,England‎, approximately 39 years, buried ‎ Jun 1118 at Church Of St Peters,Westminster,Middlesex,England, ‎1st marriage to: Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of England, 2nd married/ related to: William IV Toulousse
Matilda, daughter of the King of Scotland, Malcolm III. Some say she is buried in Winchester.

She was crowned on her wedding day, 11 Nov 1100, at Westminster by Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury.

Christened Edith, but adopted the name Matilda upon her marriage to Henry I. It was thought the Norman barons might not respect a queen with a Saxon name. The marriage to Henry represented the union of the Norman & Saxon royal lines.

Sources: RC 165; K and Q of Britain, Coe, Butler, Paget; Kraentzler1062, 1067, 1145; A. Roots 1-23; Royal Line of Succession; Royal Descents; AIS;The Normans and Their Myth by R.H.C. Davis; Magna Charta Sureties 161-9.
She was baptized Editha. First wife of Henry I.
K&Q lists only William and Matilda as her children.
K. calls her Saint Mathilda of Scotland (mixed up with St. Margaret&00063;]

Name Suffix: Princes Scotland Ancestral File Number: 8XJ0-JL
!Titles: Princess of Scotland and Queen of England. "Royal Ancestors" by Michel Call, 1989, Chart 11301. "History of Scotland" by Hume Brown, 1909, Vol. 1. "History of Scotland" by Charles Terry, 1920, charts. Burial Place: Church of StPeter, Westminster, Middlesex, England.

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.

Seal to Parents: SUBMITTED

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.


man Euphamia England‏‎
Born ‎ Jul 1101 at Of,,,England, died ‎ 1101/1102‎, approximately 1 years
man William "Atheling" Prince Of England‏
Born ‎before Aug 5, 1103 at Of,Selby,Yorkshire,England, died ‎ Nov 26, 1119 at At Sea,Barfleur,Manche,France‎, at least 16 years
Sources: Kings and Queens of Britain; AF; The Royal Line of Successionby Patrick W. Montaque-Smith.
M-Smith: He died in 1120 when the White Ship sank.

Name Suffix: Prince of England Ancestral File Number: 8XJ0-M4

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.
man Richard Prince Of England‏‎
Born ‎± 1105 at Of,,,England, died ‎ Sep 26, 1119 at At Sea,Barfleur,Manche,France‎, approximately 14 years
The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.

Source: Complete Peerage.
CP: Died in the White Ship with Henry's only legitimate son.

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.
woman Elizabeth de Normandy‏
Born ‎± 1100 at Of,Talby,Yorkshire,England‎
woman Constance Princess of England‏
Born ‎± 1105 at (Estimated)‎
Sources: Complete Peerage; Paget; A. Roots 98; Kraentzler 1374.
CP: Also called Maud. Illegitimate daughter of Henry I.
Roots: Constance, bastard daughter of Henry I.
Kraentzler: Constance of England.

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.
woman Matilda Maud of England‏
Born ‎ Feb 7, 1101/1102 at London,Middlesex,England, died ‎ Sep 10, 1167 at Notre Dame,Rouen,Seine-Maritime,France‎, approximately 66 years, buried ‎ Sep 1167 at Bec Abbey,Le Bec-Hellouin,Eure,France
Name Suffix: Empress Germany Ancestral File Number: 9FM0-NL
!Title: Princess of England and Empress of Germany. "Royal Ancestors" by Michel Call, 1989, Chart 11301.

Sources: RC 53, 89; Coe, Kraentzler 1062, 1067, 1086, 1091, 1118;Kings and Queens of Britain, Cadfael Country; A. Roots 1-24, 118-25; AF; "WilliamI" by Maurice Ashley; AIS.
Roots: Matilda, dau. of Henry I of England; born 1104, died 10 Sept.1167. She was the widow of Henry V, Emperor of Germany.
Ashley: Matilda, Queen of England, 1141-1148. Married (1) Henry V,Germ Emperor, and (2) Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou.
Princess of England and Empress of Germany. Widow of Henry V, Emperorof Germany. One source says born in Normandy.
Cadfael Country: Married in childhood to Henry V of Germany, the HolyRoman Emperor, who died in 1125. Matilda then was recalled to England by herfather, and Henry I made the barons acknowledge her as his heir. Three yearslater, in order to form an alliance with Fulk V of Anjou, Henry made her marry the count's 14-year-old son and heir, Geoffrey Plantagenet, or Geoffrey ofAnjou.
[See Cadfael Country, pages 150-158, for details about her strugglewith Stephen of Blois for the crown of England].

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.
woman Princess Elizabeth of England‏
Born ‎± 1095 at of Talby,Yorkshire,England, died ‎before 1166 at Holyrood Abbey‎
woman Princess Mathilde of England‏
Born ‎ Feb 7, 1101/1102 at London,Middlesex,England, died ‎ Sep 10, 1167 at Rouen (Notre Dame),Seine-Maritime,France‎, approximately 66 years, buried ‎ at Le Bec-Hellouin,Eure,France,Bec Abbey
Matilda, daughter of King Henry I of England and Matilda of Scotland. On account of the death of her brother she was heir to the throne of England and received formal recognition as her father's successor. The Great Council of England, however, was reluctant to acknowledge a female sovereign and this feeling increased on her marriage to the heir of Anjou and Maine. On the death of her father in 1135 his nephew, Stephen of Mortain and Boulogne, son of Stephen Henry, Count of Blois, by Adela, daughter of William the Conqueror, was recognized in both England and Normandy and he rushed across the channel and was crowned King. Through extortionate demands on the barons and a quarrel with the church over the question of its secular jurisdiction, he lost their support. Matilda came to England and with the help of her half-brother, Robert, Earl of Gloucester, contested the royal title. The contest continued for years. Stephen was captured at Lincoln, but the Earl of Gloucester was soon after captured and an exchange was arranged. Meanwhile Geoffrey of Anjou completed the conquest of Normandy and Matilda retired there, still claiming the English crown. In 1153 Henry, son of Matilda and Geoffrey, appeared in England. After Stephen lost his son Eustace, through a sudden illness, he recognized Henry as his heir and they cooperated to repress anarchy. Source: Royal Gen. Gives birth as abt 1103/04 and death at Rouen 10 Sep 1167. Ancestral file has 10 Sep 1169. Above had 30 Jan 1164. She first invaded England in 1139. She and Geoffrey captured Normandy and in 1152 the Treaty of Wallingford recognized Henry as Stephen's heir. Burke says she was betrothed in her eight year (1119) to Henry V (the marriage was in 1114 so 1119 is a typo).

She was called Maud. She was married as a young girl to the Holy Roman Emperor. They had no children. After his death she was married to the Count of Anjou. Throughout her life she kept her title of Empress.
Royal Lineage
Queen of England, daughter of Henry I of England. Henry arranged a marriage for her with Holy Roman Emperor Heinrich V, and she was sent to the Empire (1109), betrothed, and five years later (1114) married to him. Empress Matilda was popular in Germany and seemed more German than English, but after her husband's death (1125) she returned to England. Since her only legitimate brother had died (1120), her father devoted himself to securing for her the succession to the English throne, and the barons did in fact recognize her as Henry's heir in 1127. In 1128 she married Geoffrey IV of Anjou, to whom she bore three sons, the eldest being the future Henry II . Both she and her marriage were unpopular in England, however, and on Henry I's death in 1135 the barons gave their support to Matilda's cousin Stephen , who seized the throne. In 1139, Matilda, aided by her half-brother Robert, Earl of Gloucester , undertook to recover the throne. After the defeat and capture of Stephen in 1141, she was elected Lady of the English; but her arrogance alienated supporters, and the captive Stephen had to be freed in a prisoner exchange for Gloucester. Wolvesey Castle, which when built, was the largest domestic building in England. It was fortified by Bishop Henry of Blois during the battles between Stephen and Matilda which destroyed most of the city of Winchester in 1141. Before the end of the year her forces were routed at Winchester, and the same powerful clergy who had enthroned her then deposed her and declared for Stephen. The struggle continued, but never greatly in her favor. In 1148 she withdrew; her son Henry inherited her claim to the throne and was recognized as heir in 1153. Matilda spent her remaining years in Normandy and became noted for her charity.
Queen of England in London, Middlesex, England
woman Euphamia‏‎
Born ‎ <1101> at
Source: Royal Gen.
man Prince William of England Duke of Normandy , Duke of Normandy‏
Born ‎before Aug 5, 1103 at of Selby,York,England, died ‎ Nov 26, 1119 at At Sea,Near Barfleur,France‎, at least 16 years
The Plantagenet Chronicles, ed. by Dr. Elizabeth Hallam, p. 37. He was the Heir Apparent. He drowned when his ship "Le Blanc Nef" (the White Ship" sank off Barfleur after hitting rocks. The crew were drunk after reveling with the Prince and his entourage. The Prince was seventeen.
Called the Aetheling; died without issue in a shipwreck. Source of birthdate is Royal Gen.
woman Maud "The Empress" Princess of England‏
Born ‎ Feb 1102/1103 at London,Middlesex,England, died ‎ Sep 10, 1167 at Notre Dame,Rouen,Seine-Maritime,France‎, approximately 65 years, buried ‎ at Abbey of Bec,France

MATILDA (1102-1167), empress, was the daughter of Henry I of England by his first marriage. She was betrothed in 1109 and married in 1114 to the German emperor Henry V. When her husband died (1125) leaving her childless, her father, whose only surviving legitimate child she then was, persuaded his reluctant barons to accept her, on oath, as his successor (Jan. 1, 1127). The novel prospect of a female ruler was itself unwelcome; Matilda's 17-year absence in Germany (where she was not unpopular) and her apparent arrogrance estranged her from her father's subjects. Difficulties also might result from her remarriage to provide for the succession. Her marriage in 1128 to Geoffrey Plantagenet, heir to Anjou and Maine (designed by Henry I, like her first marriage, for political ends), whose father, Count Fulk, departed immediately after the ceremony to become the consort of Melisende of Jerusalem, flouted the barons' stipulation that she should not marry outside England without their consent, and was unpopular in Normandy and England. On Henry I's death, his nephew Stephen by prompt action secured England and was recognized by Pope Innocent II. Matilda and Geoffrey, however, made some headway in Normandy. Matilda's subsequent challenge to Stephen's position in England mainly depended on the support of her half-brother Earl Robert of Gloucester. After the defeat and capture of Stephen at Lincoln (Feb. 1141), Matilda was elected "lady of the English" and would have been queen could she have proceeded to coronation, but active support for her cause still came mainly from the western counties. Her chance of consolidating her precarious victory was swiftly destroyed by a reaction initated by her tactless handling of London. After her defeat at Winchester in Sept. 1141, her supporters, slowly reduced by death and defection, maintained a stubborn defense until Earl Robert died (1147) and Matilda retired (1148) to Normandy, of which her husband had gained possession. She continued to interest herself in the government of the territories of her eldest son, the future Henry II of England. Her career was not entirely unsuccessful: all the subsequent monarchs of England have been her descendants, not Stephen's. She died in Normandy on Sept. 10, 1167.
woman Elizabeth Princess Of England‏
Born ‎± 1095 at Of,Talby,Yorkshire,England‎
Sources: A. Roots 38; Royal Descents; Kraentzler 1145; AF.
Roots: Illegitimate daughter of Henry I.
K: Daughter of a concubine.
Descents: Elizabeth, illegitimate, mother not known.

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.
man Son Prince Of England‏‎
Born ‎ Jul 1101 at Of,,,England, died ‎ 1101/1102‎, approximately 1 years
The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.

5th marriage/ relation
man Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of England‏‎, son of William "The Conqueror" of England and Matilda (Maud) Countess Flanders [Queen Of Englan , [Queen Of Englan‏.

Married/ Related to:

woman I , Concubine Of ENGLAND Mrs-Henry‏‎
Born ‎± 1078 at Of,,,England‎


woman Constance Maud Viscountess MAINE‏
Born ‎± 1098 at Of,,,England‎
woman Alice (Aline), Princess Of England‏‎
Born ‎± 1099 at Of,Selby,Yorkshire,England, died ‎ 1141‎, approximately 42 years

6th marriage/ relation
man Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of England‏‎, son of William "The Conqueror" of England and Matilda (Maud) Countess Flanders [Queen Of Englan , [Queen Of Englan‏.

Married/ Related to:

woman Edith Forne DE GREYSTOKE‏‎
Born ‎± 1074‎, ‎1st married/ related to: Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of England, 2nd married/ related to: Robert II D' Oyly , 3Rd Lord Of Hooknorton


woman Maud of England‏
Born ‎ 1091 at England‎
Adopted child: woman Maud of England‏

7th marriage
man Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of England‏‎, son of William "The Conqueror" of England and Matilda (Maud) Countess Flanders [Queen Of Englan , [Queen Of Englan‏.

Married ‎± 1096 at London,Middlesex,England (approximately 39 years married) to:

woman Gieva De Tracy‏‎, daughter of N.N. and N.N.‏.
Born ‎± 1060 at ,,England‎, 1st marriage to: Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of England, ‎2nd marriage to: Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of England, 3rd married/ related to: N.N.
Name Suffix: Concubine Ancestral File Number: 9FTL-VQ

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.

Still Living.



man William De Tracy‏
Born ‎ 1097 at Bradnninch,Devonshire,England, died ‎ 1136‎, 38 or 39 years
Ancestral File Number: 9FTL-Z8

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.
Adopted child: man William De Tracy‏

8th marriage
man Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of England‏‎, son of William "The Conqueror" of England and Matilda (Maud) Countess Flanders [Queen Of Englan , [Queen Of Englan‏.

Married ‎± 1092 at ,,England (approximately 43 years married) to:

woman Edith FitzForne‏‎, daughter of Forne FitzSigulf 1st Lord Of Greystoke , 1st Lord Of Greystoke and N.N.‏.
Born ‎ 1074 at Greystoke,Cumberland,England, died ‎ 1152 at ,,England‎, 77 or 78 years, buried ‎ 1152 at Oseney Abbey,Oxford,Oxfordshire,England, 1st married/ related to: Robert De Oilly, ‎2nd marriage to: Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of England, 3rd married/ related to: Robert II D'oilly
Ancestral File Number: 9QKX-8S

Seal to Parents: SUBMITTED

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.

Still Living.

Sources: Complete Peerage; RC 396; Norr, Paget and AF.
She was concubine of King Henry I. Birth date and death place from AF.
K-1346 says Sibyl de Corbet was the mother of Robert of Caen. So does*P member who cites no source. But Sibyl was another concubine, who didbear other children by Henry. Complete Peerage says Robert of Caen's mother isunknown.

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.



man Robert De Caen Duke Of Gloucester , Duke Of Gloucester‏
Also known as: N1461, born ‎ 1088 at Caen,Normandy,France, died ‎ Oct 31, 1147 at Bristol,Avon,England‎, 58 or 59 years, buried ‎ at Prior Of St. James,Bristol
Sources: Complete Peerage; Norr; Kraentzler 1143b, 1342, 1346, 1350;A. Roots 63, 124, 124A, 125, 132A; Royal Descents; The Normans and Their Myth byR.H.C. Davis; Ayers, p351.
Roots: Robert. Called "The Consul." Earl of Gloucester, 1122-1147.Natural son of Henry I. Does not name his mother.
K: Robert "the Consul," 1st Earl of Gloucester. Also RobertFitz-Hamon, Earl of Corbeil, Seigneur de Cruelli. Married 1109.
CP: Mother unknown. Will go with this.
Descents: Robert of Caen, lst Earl of Gloucester, married MabelFitzHarmon. He was illegitimate by an unknown mother. Page 409.

K-1346 says Sibyl de Corbet was POSSIBLY the mother of Robert of Caen.So does *P member who cites no source. K-1342 says his mother was aconcubine. Sibyl also was a mistress of Henry I and bore him several children.

K-1350: Robert "The Consul", Earl of Gloucester; born about 1090; died 31 Oct. 1147 at Bristol, Gloucester; buried at the Priory of St. James, Gloucester. Says he was the son of Sibyl de Corbet, no hedges in thisline.

Davis: Robert, Earl of Gloucester, held one of the largest honours in England and Normandy. He had very large estates in the west of Englandand also was prominent in Wales as Lord of Glamorgan.
Ayers: Robert de Caen, Earl of Gloucester; illegitimate son of KingHenry I. Start of the Gloucester/Earls of Gloucester line.

Name Suffix: Prince of England Ancestral File Number: 9FTK-Z4

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.

This page is just a start. Not all information has bee varified.

Robert, EARL OF GLOUCESTER, by Mabel, daughter and heir of Robert FITZ-HAMOND, lord of Tewkesbury. [Complete Peerage]


[From Burke's Peerage-see source for details]

An undoubted Earl of Gloucester, perhaps the first authentic one, at any rate after the Conquest, is Robert FitzHamon's son-in-law, another Robert, who was an illegitimate son of Henry I and was so created 1122. The Earldom passed to his eldest son, William FitzRobert, and from him to John, later King John and husband from 1189 to 1199 (when he divorced her) of Isabel, the youngest of William FitzRobert's three daughters. On John's coming to the throne the title did not merge in the Crown for it was not his in his own right but in right of his wife.

He was created Earl of Gloucester in 1122.

He was the natural son of King Henry I, perhaps from Nesta Ferch Rhys. He was created Earl of Gloucester in 1122. He served his half-sister, Matilda in her bid for the Throne of England.

He was created Earl of Gloucester in 1122.

He was the natural son of King Henry I, perhaps from Nesta Ferch Rhys. He was created Earl of Gloucester in 1122. He served his half-sister, Matilda in her bid for the Throne of England.

He was the Earl of Gloucester 1122-1147.

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.
woman Edith D'Oilly‏
Born ‎between 1094 BET., - and at Hook Norton,Oxfordshire,England, died ‎after 1165‎

9th marriage/ relation
man Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of England‏‎, son of William "The Conqueror" of England and Matilda (Maud) Countess Flanders [Queen Of Englan , [Queen Of Englan‏.

Married/ Related to:

woman Nest Verch Rhys Princess Of Wales , Princess Of Wales‏‎, daughter of Rhys ap Tewdwr King of Deheubarth , King of Deheubarth and Gwladus verch Rhiwallon‏.
Born ‎ 1070 at of Dynevor Castle,Carmarthenshire,Wales, died ‎ 1154‎, 83 or 84 years, 1st marriage to: Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of England, 2nd married/ related to: Stephen Constable of Abertavi, 3rd marriage to: Geraldus Fitzwalter De Windsor, ‎4th married/ related to: Henry I "Beauclerc" King Of England, 5th married/ related to: N.N., 6th married/ related to: N.N., 7th marriage to: Geraldus Fitz Walter de Windsor, 8th marriage to: N.N.
She was the favorite concubine of King Henry I. She was a Welsh princess.

She was the favorite concubine of King Henry I. She was a Welsh princess.

Nest (who also [in addition to Gerald fitz Walter] had by Stephen, Constable of Cardigan, a son (Robert fitz Stephen) and by Henry I another son (Henry, killed 1158, father of Meiler fitz Henry), daughter of Rhys ap Tudor Mawr, Prince of South Wales. [Burke's Peerage, p. 1679]


He [Gerald de Windsor] married Nest, daughter of Rhys ap Tudor Mawr, PRINCE OF SOUTH WALES (e). The date of his death is not known, presumably before 1136. [Complete Peerage X:10-11, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]

(e) In 1106, when Owen ap Cadugan carried her off, two of her sons and a daughter by Gerald de Windsor were taken with her, the sons being returned later to their father. By Stephen, constable of Cardigan (query after Gerald's death), Nest bore a son, Robert FitzStephen, and by Henry I a son Henry (killed 1158), father of Meiler FitzHenry, which Robert and Meiler were later brothers-in-arms of the Geraldines in Ireland.

"Known as the most beautiful woman in Wales. She had many lovers. In Christmas 1108 Owain ap Cadwgan of Cardigan came to visit Gerald and Nesta. He so lusted after her that he, that night, attacked the castle and carried her off and had his way with her. This upset Henry I so much that the incident started a war."

--borrowed from Brian Tompsett

Source: Tim Sandberg's GEDCOM V. Oct. 29, 2001

GIVN Nest Verch
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
DATE 4 OCT 2000
TIME 21:21:53

A Welsh princess.

OCCU Welsh princess ...
Most of her descendants were variously known as Fitz-Henrys and Fitz-Geralds;
The name of one of her descendants was Rhys, Prince of South Wales -
The Conquerors,Thomas B. Costain, p. 183; A maid of Caen - COMYNJ.TAF (Compu-
serve), p. 4; ...made prisoner during some fighting along the Marches -
The Conquering Family, Thomas B. Costain, p. 9
NESTA, daughter of RHYS AP TEWDWR and IESTYN AP GWRGAST'S daughter, was known as the most beautiful woman in Wales. She had many lovers. In Christmas 1108 Owain ap Cadwgan of Cardigan came to visit
Gerald and Nesta. He so lusted after her that he, that
night, attacked the castle and carried her off and had his way with her. This upset Henry I so much that the incident started a war. - says parents are Rhys ap Tewder and Gwladus verch Rhiwallon - NPH

A Welsh princess.

This page is just a start. Not all information has bee varified.

"Known as the most beautiful woman in Wales. She had many lovers. In Christmas 1108 Owain ap Cadwgan of Cardigan came to visit Gerald and Nesta. He so lusted after her that he, that night, attacked the castle and carried her off and had his way with her. This upset Henry I so much that the incident started a war."

--borrowed from Brian Tompsett

Source: Tim Sandberg's GEDCOM V. Oct. 29, 2001

GIVN Nest Verch
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
TITL Ancestral File (R)
AUTH The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
PUBL Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
ABBR Ancestral File (R)
DATE 4 OCT 2000
TIME 21:21:53

A Welsh princess.

OCCU Welsh princess ...
Most of her descendants were variously known as Fitz-Henrys and Fitz-Geralds;
The name of one of her descendants was Rhys, Prince of South Wales -
The Conquerors,Thomas B. Costain, p. 183; A maid of Caen - COMYNJ.TAF (Compu-
serve), p. 4; ...made prisoner during some fighting along the Marches -
The Conquering Family, Thomas B. Costain, p. 9
NESTA, daughter of RHYS AP TEWDWR and IESTYN AP GWRGAST'S daughter, was known as the most beautiful woman in Wales. She had many lovers. In Christmas 1108 Owain ap Cadwgan of Cardigan came to visit
Gerald and Nesta. He so lusted after her that he, that
night, attacked the castle and carried her off and had his way with her. This upset Henry I so much that the incident started a war. - says parents are Rhys ap Tewder and Gwladus verch Rhiwallon - NPH

A Welsh princess.

This page is just a start. Not all information has bee varified.

She was the favorite concubine of King Henry I. She was a Welsh princess.

She was the favorite concubine of King Henry I. She was a Welsh princess.

Nest (who also [in addition to Gerald fitz Walter] had by Stephen, Constable of Cardigan, a son (Robert fitz Stephen) and by Henry I another son (Henry, killed 1158, father of Meiler fitz Henry), daughter of Rhys ap Tudor Mawr, Prince of South Wales. [Burke's Peerage, p. 1679]


He [Gerald de Windsor] married Nest, daughter of Rhys ap Tudor Mawr, PRINCE OF SOUTH WALES (e). The date of his death is not known, presumably before 1136. [Complete Peerage X:10-11, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]

(e) In 1106, when Owen ap Cadugan carried her off, two of her sons and a daughter by Gerald de Windsor were taken with her, the sons being returned later to their father. By Stephen, constable of Cardigan (query after Gerald's death), Nest bore a son, Robert FitzStephen, and by Henry I a son Henry (killed 1158), father of Meiler FitzHenry, which Robert and Meiler were later brothers-in-arms of the Geraldines in Ireland.

Name Suffix: Princess O Wales Ancestral File Number: 8XJ2-WR

Sources: Kraentzler 1151a; History of Morgan Family; A. Roots 178; AF; Complete Peerage; Young; Ayers.
From History: "Princess Nest was an extraordinary woman of greatbeauty. The mistress of King Henry I (by whom she had a son), she married Geraldde Windsor of Pembroke Castle in 1100. She had several children (by herhusband and by others) who were important in Welsh history. In 1109 Owain apCardigan, the son of the Lord of Powys and her cousin, fell in love with her at abanquet, attacked the castle that night, burned it to the ground, and carried Nest away."
Young: Nest of South Wales, concubine of King Henry I of England.
K: Nesta verch Rhys (Rees). Roots: Nest of Wales
Ayers: Nesta of South Wales.
******* Princess Nesta was known as the 'Helen of Wales' and was renowned for her beauty. She had affairs with numerous men and children by several ofthem, in addition to the children of her husband, Gerald de Windsor. She was oneof King Henry I's mistresses and had a son by him also.

1. Morgan, Dennis. _A History of the Morgan Family_.
"Princess Nest was an extraordinary woman of great beauty. Themistress
of King Henry I (by whom she had a son), she married Gerald deWindsor of
Pembroke Castle in 1100. She had several children (by her husbandand by
others) who were important in Welsh history. In 1109, Owain apCardigan,
the son of the Lord of Powys and her cousin, fell in love with herat a
banquet, attacked the castle that night, burned it to the ground,and
carried Nest away."
2. Weis, Frederick Lewis. _Ancestral Roots of Certain AmericanColonists_.
Seventh Edition. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Company,Inc.,
1992; Line 178-2: Nest, of Wales; md Gerald of Windsor, d bef 1136,
Constable of Pembroke Castle, 1092, son of Walter FitzOther andBeatrice.
(CP VII 200, X 10-11).
3. Family Group Records.

The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.

Still Living.