This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of CALVERT. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth
CALVERT, Basil 1830-02-24
CALVERT, Charles Thomas 1859-08-24
CALVERT, George William 1866-11-30
CALVERT, James 1857
CALVERT, Lizzie Amanda 1865-09-04
CALVERT, Malinda Elizabeth 1852-01-12
CALVERT, Mary Angeline 1853-11-12
CALVERT, Peggy (Mrs. Eliakim) DF3FD29A06554E9A88EC22E8D2888051768D
CALVERT, Price Wallingford 1872-01-09
CALVERT, Samuel EA19982AE3834F818D07E26129A6C3B21605
CALVERT, Sarah Millie 1855-08-19