
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Barclay. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth
Barclay, ?  
Barclay, Alexander about 1429
Barclay, Alexander about 1462
Barclay, Alexander about 1462
Barclay, Catherine about 1495
Barclay, Catherine about 1495
Barclay, Christian about 1568
Barclay, Christian about 1568
Barclay, David about 1433
Barclay, David about 1515
Barclay, Effie about 1260
Barclay, Elizabeth 1538
Barclay, George about 1493
Barclay, George about 1493
Barclay, George 1536
Barclay, George 1536
Barclay, George about 1561
Barclay, George about 1561
Barclay, Jean 1330
Barclay, John about 1497
Barclay, John about 1497
Barclay, Margaret 1330
Barclay, Rachel about 1517
Barclay, Thomas about 1558
Barclay, Thomas about 1558