
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Carroll. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth
Carroll, Alcy Graham 1894-12-28
Carroll, Alcy Graham Jr. 1925-06-19
Carroll, Bobby Joe A6B8100C97A748C4AE389CDFEBCEC76E13A6
Carroll, Callie 1893
Carroll, Charles I 1660
Carroll, Charles II 1702-04-02
Carroll, Daniel I 1707-10-03
Carroll, Daniel II 1730-07-22
Carroll, Henry  
Carroll, J C
Carroll, Mildred Catherine 1920
Carroll, Rebecca Fay AFC592DE4F1B4716A4568F13F92A462BDB72
Carroll, Willard Frances 1918-10-30