Path: utzoo!utgpu!!!usc!!!cica!!!!xvj
From: (Sean Ahern)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Re: ftp for c128/c64
Message-ID: <>
Date: 8 Nov 90 02:40:54 GMT
References: <> <> <>
Reply-To: (Sean Ahern)
Distribution: comp
Organization: Purdue University
Lines: 27

I was able to ftp some files from a couple ftp's that people mailed to me,
but I have a serious problem.  Once I download them onto disk on my
c64, the files refuse to run properly.

I made sure that my file transfer system was set to receive a binary file
(rather than ascii), and it DOES save as a PRG file.

But, once the file completely arrives and I attempt to run it, it just turns
the background and the border black and the character color white and locks
the computer.  Ever file I download has this same effect.

Is there something I am doing wrong?

I would also like to know how to test the file transfer system.  I would like
to write a short (2-3 line) program, upload it to the ftp, and then
ownload it again, and compare the results.  But I don't know how to send
things to the ftp.  (Plus, sending a test program to a public domain software
site is bound to make someone angry.)

Any help people can give me would be greatly appreciated.

Sean Ahern			|	Witty signature coming
Purdue University		|	      to a news	|	  posting near you!	|