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Volume 1
Fall 1981

Activision Hall of Fame

In this, our first newsletter, we are introducing the "Activision Hall of Fame" to recognize the outstanding achievments of some of our game players. In future issues, we will be recognizing "special" performances with this "special" award.

No matter how the Hunter family of Enon, Ohio plays the game, they come out winners. Chuck Sr. and Chuck Jr. set the "World Class Dragster Club" record of 5.61 seconds. They hold another record - running against each other - of 5.64 seconds simultaneously. June, a high school Freshman, Dale, the youngest son, and Pat, the mother of the family, all zoom past the winner's flag at under 6.00 seconds. We welcome the Hunters as charter members of the "Activision Hall of Fame"!

Activision also welcomes Janet Stuckey as a charter member of the "Hall of Fame." Janet hails from Indianapolis, Indiana. Her Laser Blast score of 1,000,000 points in 2 1/2 hours is going to be hard to beat.


How to Join a Club

Five of the ten Activision games offer club membership. To become a member, you must fulfill the scoring requirements of one of five games and send a photo of your TV screen showing your accomplishment to Activision.

Dragster - Run the video quarter-mile in under 6 seconds and you are eligible for the "World Class Dragster Club."

Laser Blast - A score of 100,000 or more points on Game 3 will admit you to the Activision "Federation of Laser Blasters."

Skiing - If you run slalom course 3 in under 28.2 seconds, you may enroll as a member of the "Activision Ski Team."

Kaboom! - 3,000 or more points enables you to join the "Activision Bucket Brigade."

Freeway - Successfully guide your chicken through traffic at least 20 times in Game 3 or Game 7 and you can become a member of the "Save the Chicken Foundation."


Taking a Picture of the TV Screen

We've had a number of you write to us for tips on how to take better pictures of your TV screen. Here are some important things to remember.

Do not use a flash bulb. In most cases the light from teh screen is enough. When in doubt, turn on on all the lights in the room.

For a 35 mm camera, there are two methods we have used. If you find another, let us know.

1. Use film with an ASA rreading of 64; set lends on F-22 and expose film for 3 to 5 seconds. Use a tripdod.

2. For film with an ASA of 100 shoot at 1/30 of a second using the widest lens opening. Hold steady.

Instamatic cameras - 126 and 110: Insert a dead flash bar (bulb). This focuses the camera lens to open wide. Hold steady.

Polaroid - The film has an ASA of 3000. The light from the TV should be sufficient. Hold Steady.


Rumors From the Lab

Steve Cartwright and David Crane are working on a couple of new games which would really challenge The Red Baron and A.J. Foyt. Look for them next Spring. Bob Whitehead and Alan Miller will have two exciting new games ready for next summer. 
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