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Re: RCPM-059.LST of all known Remote CP/M systems [message #118345 is a reply to message #117204] Tue, 24 September 2013 14:12 Go to previous message
Originally posted by: dpc@savax.UUCP (cavanaugh)
Message-ID: <254@savax.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 1-Mar-85 16:38:46 EST
Article-I.D.: savax.254
Posted: Fri Mar  1 16:38:46 1985
Date-Received: Mon, 4-Mar-85 07:18:30 EST
References: <8629@brl-tgr.ARPA>
Organization: Sanders Associates Inc. Nashua ,NH
Lines: 1150

 >  Here is RCPM-059.LST.
 >  --cut here--
 >>>>  Remote CP/M Software Exchange Systems List # 59 <<<
 >>>>  02/24/85 revision by Kim Levitt <<<
 >  The Remote  CP/M  Software  Exchange  Systems List  is a collaborative
 >  work of Jud Newell, Kim Levitt, and  Steve Sanders.   Editors and pub-
 >  lishers please note this list is (c) 1984 and the authors must be con-
 >  tacted  prior to any  reproduction  (partial or whole) of this list in 
 >  any book, magazine, or periodical that is sold on a COMMERCIAL basis.
 >  A summary of all operating Remote CP/M software exchange systems which
 >  use  Christensen  protocol,  (XMODEM),  for  file  transfers  and  are
 >  available  to  the general public for the exchange  of  public  domain
 >  software.  (This list also includes PC/MS-DOS, Unix and other non-CP/M
 >  systems, provided that they support XMODEM protocol for file transfers
 >  and have public domain  software available  for  downloading.) (Packet
 >  radio based  systems which  support file  transfers  of  public domain
 >  software and text files are also  listed, although they do not support
 >  XMODEM protocol (as packet radio protocol makes XMODEM unecessary).)
 >  NOTE:  This  list  is updated  monthly,  please use the most recent to
 >  avoid ill-placed calls.  Lists are  published  on a  rotating schedule
 >  beginning  with the  current author (see above) and continuing  to the
 >  next on the list:  Jud Newell,  Kim Levitt, Steve Sanders, Jud, etc...
 >  Lists are usually put out around the 15th-20th  of each month, but the
 >  actual date may be different, check with the next scheduled author.
 >  NEXT THREE LISTS >>>> 60 - Steve Sanders 03-85 / 61 - Jud Newell 04-85
 >  62 - Kim Levitt 05-85 / (Full verification will be done with List #61)
 >  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 >  SPECIAL NOTICE TO SYSOPS:   Please inform  Kim,  Jud  or  Steve of any
 >  changes in your system to avoid being removed from the list,  which is
 >  verified periodically. If your system is no longer functioning, please
 >  have  a  friend  modem a message so your system can  be  deleted.  ALL
 >  SYSTEM  OPERATORS,  see  note  number 8 at the end of  this  file  for
 >  important details on maintaining your spot on this list.
 >  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 >  Send update information to:
 >          Kim Levitt - MBBS HEADQUARTERS RCP/M - (213) 653-6398
 >    [Upload a text file using XMODEM and/or leave comment on exiting]
 >                                    or
 >                   Jud Newell - TORONTO RCP/M SYSTEMS - 
 >     (416) 232-0442, 232-0269, 232-0269, 231-0538, 231-1262, 232-1470
 >         231-9202, 231-8078, Also available via Tymnet or Telenet
 >                    [Leave comments on exiting system]
 >                                    or
 >             Steve Sanders - DataCom Network RCP/M Systems -
 >              (813) 937-3608, (813) 937-6829, (404) 632-2109
 >                    [Leave comments on exiting system]
 >  (See file NEW-SYS.OPS on most RCP/M Systems for required information.)
 >  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 >  Unless indicated otherwise, all systems are up 24 hours/7 days with no
 >  callback.  Non-24 hour  systems have  hours  of operation listed after
 >  sysop's name, callback systems have a "cb" before phone number. (NOTE:
 >  "(no ans if in use)" for "hours" means  system is up  24 hrs unless in
 >  in use by the system operator locally.)
 >  Systems charging fees have a dollar sign "$" after phone number.  Some
 >  systems may restrict "first-time" users,  be sure to  read the opening
 >  info files when accessing a new system.
 >  Baud Rates: (shown after sysop name/hrs)
 >     1=110 / 3=300 / 4=450 / 6=600 / 7=710
 >     B=Bell 212A 1200 / V=Vadic 1200 / C=CCITT V.22 bis 2400
 >     (e.g.: PMMI = 1-7 (110 thru 710 baud), 300/1200 212A = 3B, 300 = 3)
 >  Disk Capacity: (total disk space shown after baud rates)
 >     K=Kilobytes / M=Megabytes
 >  Verification Codes: (shown at end of entries which have been verified)
 >     V=Verified / NA=No Answer / NN=New Number (date verified follows)
 >     (systems verified by carrier or busy, no answer systems removed
 >     from next list unless system existance is re-confirmed)
 >  (See notes at end of list for more information)
 >  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 >  ===========
 >  [Connecticut]
 >  Xerox East RCP/M RBBS ............................... (203) 232-3180
 >     Dave Shefelbine; (3B;10M); General Interest and Xerox 820-II
 >     programs. (Hartford) (V:10/84)
 >  Connecticut Micro Decision UG ....................... (203) 445-5019
 >     Steven Landers; (3;800K); CP/M software, CPMUG, Osborne, Morrow,
 >     technical help (V:10/84)
 >  Lower Naugatuck Valley RCP/M-BBS .................... (203) 736-6801
 >     Jim McGuire & Tony Bunosso; (3B;1960K); Mbasic-CP/M games,
 >     online adventure game, RCPM programs; (Must have Sysop approval
 >     for CP/M access.) (Derby) (V:2/85)
 >  [Maine]
 >  Bath-Brunswick RCP/M ................................ (207) 443-4657
 >     Henry Trujillo; (3;20M); Apple CP/M public domain, dBase II,
 >     TURBO PASCAL; MACINTOSH software; BBS free, must register first
 >     before acessing CP/M. (V:2/85)
 >  [Massachusetts]
 >  Heathkit RCP/M ...................................... (617) 237-1511
 >     Dan Gentile; (3B;10M); software for H-8, H/Z89, H/Z100, H/Z150,
 >     ZCPR2, MSDOS, IBM; (system is H120); (Wellesley) (V:10/84)
 >  Andover Cnode ....................................... (617) 470-2548
 >     Layne DuBose; (1-7;18M); All C User's Group volumes on-line,
 >     plus best of CPMUG. Also some Osborne, RS M100, 8088/8086
 >     software; (Andover) (V:10/84)
 >  WayStar Fido BBS .................................... (617) 481-7147
 >     Kevin Porter; (3B;10M); DEC Rainbow system; MS-DOS 2.05; public
 >     domain software for DEC and IBM users; support for TELINK, MDM7,
 >     and XMODEM protocols; (Marlborough) (V:10/84)
 >  Daves-FIDO .......................................... (617) 632-1861
 >     David Rene; (3B;10M); DEC Rainbow system w/MSDOS 2.05.02;
 >     software for DEC and some IBM; running v10A of FIDO (V:11/84)
 >  Newton Centre BigBoard .............................. (617) 965-7259
 >     Sage Microsystems East; (3B;2M); Logon Password "BIGBOARD". Runs
 >     on Ferguson Bigboard I.  Technical board concentrating on CP/M80
 >     programming and software issues and on the ZCPR software system.
 >     Proprietary areas for the distribution and support of the Sage
 >     Microsystems Products.
 >  [New York]
 >  New York Apple CP/M Group (NYACPMG) RCPM ............ (212) 989-2696 $
 >     Larry Clive; (no ans if in use); (3B;10M); Apple/Vanilla CP/M,
 >     dBase II; BBS free, RCP/M has $15 fee; (Manhattan) (V:10/84)
 >  Remote CP/M Facility of Dolgeville, NY ........... cb (315) 429-8185
 >     Peter A. Polansky; (346B;500K); 8086, 68000; (system is down
 >     temporarily due to hard disk problems as of 11/18/84)
 >  CNY Technical RCP/M ................................. (315) 437-4890
 >     Mark Howard; M-F 5P-8A, wknd 24 hrs; (3B;52M); CP/M Plus User's
 >     Group (CP-PLUG) host system; also Apple & Kaypro software;
 >     technical assistance RBBS; (Syracuse) (V:10/84)
 >  CNY RBBS/RCP/M ...................................... (315) 446-7793
 >     Thomas Karkowski; (3B;10M).  New users may log on to apply for
 >     password & will be notified of password within 1 week. 1000's of  
 >     public domain programs available. (Syracuse) (V:10/84)
 >  Connection-80 TPM (RTPM) ............................ (516) 567-8267
 >     Tom Vande-Stouwe; (3B;30M); Epson QX-10 and Osborne software
 >     (FOG Library on line); also the message base for the Long Island
 >     Osborne Network; (Long Island) (V:10/84)
 >  LIKUG (Long Island Kaypro User's Group) RCP/M ....... (516) 825-8465
 >     Murray Simsolo; (3B;10M); Kaypro 10 w/ZCPR3; interest in ZCPR3
 >     (most avail), Kaypro & Osborne s/w. (Valley Stream) (NN:2/85)
 >  Johnson City, NY SJBBS .............................. (607) 797-6416
 >     Charles ?last name?; Eves, etc.; (3;2M); (Upstate NY) (V:10/84)
 >  Sparrow CBBS ........................................ (716) 377-1113
 >     Jim Dunn; (3B;2.3M); on Lobo Max-80, ZCPR2; Interests: MAX-80,
 >     Xerox 820-II, BDS C, utilities; Rochester area computer access
 >     info; (Fairport) (V:10/84)
 >  C U R A #2 IBM RBBS-PC .............................. (718) 624-9141
 >     Brian Callahan; (3B;10M); PCDOS, MSDOS, running RBBS-PC 1.22c;
 >     (NOTE: New 718 area code!) (Fort Greene, Brooklyn) (V:10/84)
 >  C U R A #3  NY Kaypro Users Group BBS ............... (718) 624-9148
 >     Brian Callahan; (3B;10M); (Fort Greene) (V:10/84)
 >  C U R A #1 RBBS-RCP/M ............................... (718) 625-5931
 >     Brian Callahan; (3B;10M); Kaypro, Osborne, Zram, Softbox; 
 >     (Fort Greene, Brooklyn) (V:10/84)
 >  Bearsville Town SJBBS ............................... (914) 679-6559
 >     Hank Szyszka; (1-7;4M); (Upstate NY) (V:10/84)
 >  Woodstock RCP/M RBBS ................................ (914) 679-8734
 >     John Doak; (3B;17M); 14 Software categories can be USER mounted
 >     on Drive D:; Osborne, Heath, IBMPC, dBase, Modem, Utils, etc;
 >     In continuous operation since 8/81. (SE NY) (V:10/84)
 >  S.D.V. RBBS RCP/M ................................... (914) 769-2970
 >     Richie Cawley; (3B;20M); logical drives A-F, user areas 0-5
 >     available; (Osborne 1 w/ext. 20MB disk); (Downstate NY) (V:10/84)
 >  Unix Bulletin Board ................................. (914) 786-3705
 >     Bruce Boardman, John Walsh; (3B;15M); Break key toggles baud rate
 >     at login. System supports xmodem. All interested in 'C' and Unix
 >     are welcome. (Stony Point) (V:10/84)
 >  [Ontario, Canada]
 >  Willowdale CBBS ..................................... (416) 226-9260 $
 >     Vic Kass; (3BV;50M); SIG/M, CP/M UG Library PC-SIG, other IBM 
 >     Software; (Toronto) (V:10/84)
 >  Toronto Ontario RCP/M Systems ..... (416) 232-0442 232-1149 232-0269 $
 >     231-0538 231-1262 232-1470 231-9202,  231-8078 Also via  Tymnet 
 >     /Telenet;  Jud Newell; (3BV;150M); has limited    access if not 
 >     registered; (9 systems available: Systems 1-3,5,7,8    for CP/M 
 >     users,  Systems 4,  6,  9 for IBM PC-DOS users, Systems 3 and 8 
 >     are Kaypro network system); Annual $30 fee allows access to all 
 >     9.     Over  15,000 programs on-line,  with limited membership. 
 >     New 92MB    hard disk now up.  9 major user groups available on 
 >     these systems.   Timenet/Telenet access now available. 000's of 
 >     programs in our offline library.  2400 baud on one main system.
 >     (SYSOPS: See NEW-SYS.OPS for information on to obtain access to
 >     these systems at no charge.) (V:10/84)
 >  [Quebec, Canada]
 >  Montreal RCP/M ...................................... (514) 481-6329
 >     Pierre Benard; M-F 6P-8A, wknd 24 hrs; (3;1M) (V:10/84)
 >  [Rhode Island]
 >  Providence RCP/M ................................. cb (401) 751-5025
 >     Mark Rippe; 10A Sat-10P Sun; (3;1.2M); Msg system down. (V:10/84)
 >  [Vermont]
 >  Sugarbush EpsonNet .................................. (802) 496-4123
 >     Ted Jerome, (3B;??)  Epson Computers, CP/M, TPM, Valdocs, commun-
 >     ications, Turbo pascal. Users auto-validated on 2nd call.
 >  ==============
 >  [Maryland]
 >  Cambridge, Maryland RBBS/RCPM ....................... (301) 228-4621
 >     Al Waller; (3;5M); Software Exchange, Ham Radio, Communications;
 >     (Maryland's Eastern Shore) (V:10/84)
 >  Pikesville RBBS/RCPM ................................ (301) 484-2831
 >     John Madill; (3?;??); DEC, Rainbow, IBM-PC; Sponsored by local
 >     Computerland store; (Baltimore) (V:10/84)
 >  BHEC RBBS/RCPM ...................................... (301) 661-2175
 >     Paul Matlin, Hampton Childress, Charlie Schnepf; (34B;10M); Now
 >     semi-private. Full access requires authorization. (Baltimore)
 >  St. Mary's College RCP/M ............................ (301) 863-7165
 >     Jonathan Crawford; (3B;20M); Epson QX10 system; Features special
 >     interest sections for different computers, educational programs;
 >     (St. Mary's City) (V:11/84)
 >  Southern Maryland RBBS/RCPM System .................. (301) 884-2395
 >     Kurt & Lyn Vonder Hulls; (3B;??K); (Mechanicsville) (V:10/84)
 >  Microcomputer Electronic Information Exchange ....... (301) 948-5718
 >     John Junod, Lynne Rosenthal; (3;64K); (Gaithersburg) (V:10/84)
 >  [New Jersey]
 >  CP/M-NET(tm) EAST ................................... (201) 249-0691
 >     Harry & Al; (3B;40M); If database is full, call back the next
 >     day; (NOTE: No message system) (Piscataway) (V:10/84)
 >  RIBBS of Cranford, New Jersey ....................... (201) 272-1874
 >     Bruce Ratoff; (1-7,B on request;3M); bulletin board of SIG/M,
 >     (Special Interest Group/Microcomputers, ACGNJ) (V:10/84)
 >  KUGNJ1 RBBS Atlantic Highlands, NJ .................. (201) 291-8319
 >     George Frankle; (3B;400K,(10M soon)); RBBS of Kaypro User Group
 >     of New Jersey; Password="KUGNJ1"; (Atlantic Highlands) (V:10/84)
 >  Flanders, NJ RCPM ................................... (201) 584-9227
 >     Ken Stritzel; (3B,1-7 on request;26M); Latest SIG/M releases
 >     (V:10/84)
 >  The C-Line .......................................... (201) 625-1797
 >     David Fiedler; M-F 8P-9A, wknd 24 hrs; (1-7;2M); UNIX/UNIX-like
 >     systems, C software; (Northwest NJ) (V:11/84)
 >  Lyra Information Exchange ........................... (201) 625-5728
 >     Alex Sass; (3B;366k); Osborne I; interests: Osborne, Kaypro,
 >     IBM-PC, C, UNIX, technical help on above; more storage soon;
 >     (Rockaway) (V:10/84)
 >  DEC-Ware II Fido BBS ................................ (201)-750-3748
 >     David Horowitz; (3B,5M); Dec Rainbow 100B+; MS-DOS 2.05 Public
 >     Domain for Rainbow, generic MS-DOS, CP/M 80 and 86. Recent SIG/M
 >     and CP/M available on request. FidoNet mail available.
 >  MDC Plainsboro RCP/M-RBBS ........................... (609) 799-6399
 >     Chuck Murcko; (3B;800K); Morrow & gen'l CP/M interests. (NN:2/85)
 >  [Pennsylvania]
 >  Allentown RBBS/RCPM System .......................... (215) 398-3937
 >     Bill Earnest; (1-7BV;35M); Distribution point for SIG/M software,
 >     & BBS for Computer Club of New Jersey (V:10/84)
 >  Compusers RCP/M/BBS ................................. (215) 666-5381
 >     Mark Rodenhausen, George Ligowski; (3B;10M); Part of Compusers
 >     Users Group of Valley Forge, PA; Xerox related files, all
 >     are welcome; (Valley Forge) (V:10/84)
 >  ChurchBoard BBS ..................................... (215) 932-8829
 >     Byl Levering; (3B;??); Church related messages (V:10/84)
 >  Greensburg RBBS-RCP/M ............................... (412) 836-8407
 >     Doug Borko; (3;??); Kaypro related files; (Greensburg) (V:10/84)
 >  Ramblin' Wizard RCP/M (FOG system #10) .............. (717) 657-8699
 >     George Peace; (no ans if in use); (3B;15M); Registration required
 >     before CP/M access granted; Osborne Executive running BYE3+ and
 >     METAL software; specializing in Executive and CP/M plus software.
 >     (Harrisburg)
 >  State College, PA. CUG-NODE ......................... (814) 238-4857
 >     Joe Shannon; (3;3M) (V:10/84)
 >  [Virginia]
 >  BCIS RCP/M & RBBS ................................... (703) 281-7907
 >     Bruce Childers; (3B;1.2M); S-100, Kaypro; (Oakton, Wash DC area)
 >     (V:10/84)
 >  Springfield RCP/M ................................... (703) 644-2299
 >     Roger Donais; (3B;10M); Kaypro, Osborne, Morrow (V:10/84)
 >  The Flying Circus RCP/M ............................. (703) 759-6627
 >     Mike Levy; (3B;10M); Kaypro, SIGM, CPMUG; (Great Falls) (V:10/84)
 >  RCP/M-EOV ........................................... (804) 480-5846
 >     Steve Read; M-F 6P-11P, (try anytime wknds); (3B;22M); CompuPro,
 >     Dbase, ZCPR2, ZCPR3, RCP/M interests (Norfolk) (V:10/84)
 >  PENsula Kaypro Users Group RBBS ..................... (804) 838-1645
 >     Robert Dix; (3B;10M); Kaypro 10 running ZCPR2; access limited
 >     until verified (free); active BBS & downloads (Hampton) (V:10/84)
 >  OxGate-007 Grafton VA ............................... (804) 898-7493
 >     Dave Holmes; (1-7;5.2M); CP/M, TRS-80 & Apple; (Tidewater)
 >     (V:10/84)
 >  [Washington D.C.]
 >  Computer Connections RCP/M .......................... (202) 547-2008
 >     Robert Blacher; (3B;15.4M); Morrow MD2 w/15mb hard drive;
 >     interests in communications, word proc, disk utils, UNIX and
 >     MS-DOS software on-line (V:10/84)
 >  Executive Communications Microcomputer Network ...... (202) 633-0804
 >     633-0805, 633-0806; Bruce Childers, Jon Albers; (3B;15M); three
 >     CompuStars running CP/M 2.2 w/ZCPR & sharing 15MB of 96MB EMDACS
 >     system. 0804 & 0806 have CP/M-80, 0805 has CP/M-86, MS-DOS & UNIX
 >     (V:10/84)
 >  =========
 >  [Illinois]
 >  Logan Square RCP/M .................................. (312) 252-2136
 >     Earl Bockenfeld; (1-7;1M); Special interest databases. Daily
 >     change on B; (Chicago) (V:10/84)
 >  RCP/M PLUS .......................................... (312) 326-4392
 >     Dick Lieber; (3B;??M); ???? (V:10/84)
 >  Palatine RCP/M ...................................... (312) 359-8080
 >     Tim Cannon; (3B;4.8M); Disks on B, C & D are changed daily;
 >     (Chicago area) (V:10/84)
 >  Xerox Midwest RCPM/RBBS ............................. (312) 384-0013
 >     David Lowy; (12A-6P, other hrs no ans if in use); (3B;980K);
 >     Mainly for Xerox PC users, but all welcome. Password required
 >     for system access; (Xerox 820-II system); (Chicago) (V:10/84)
 >  Chicago Attache' User's Group RCP/M ................. (312) 397-6888
 >     Donald Larson; (no ans if in use); (3B;1.54M); communications,
 >     Otrona Attache' software. (V:10/84)
 >  C.A.S.A.T. CBBS ..................................... (312) 443-3744
 >     John Manning; (3;2.5M); Art, sound synthesis, video, analog &
 >     digital image processing, telecommunications, robotics; Located
 >     at the Center for Advanced Studies in Art and Technology at the
 >     School of the Art Institute of Chicago, this CBBS has been
 >     created to promote exchange between artists and all interested
 >     parties in the use of technology in art.; (Chicago) (V:10/84)
 >  Glen Ellyn West Suburban RCP/M ...................... (312) 469-2597
 >     Jim Mills; (36B;3.6M); (Chicago area) (V:10/84)
 >  AIMS, Hinsdale, Ill ................................. (312) 789-0499
 >     Mark Pulver; (1-7B;10M); running PMMI & Hayes 1200 modems, 1200
 >     detect at 2nd CR then 3 sec to switch modems; (Chicago) (V:10/84)
 >  Smokin' Silicon RCP/M ............................... (312) 941-0049
 >     John Sojak; (3B;45M); (Chicago area) (V:10/84)
 >  [Indiana]
 >  Bloomington RCPM/RBBS ............................... (812) 334-0609
 >     Bob Jacobs; (3B;2M); (4 c/rs to bring up sys); public domain
 >     software, amateur radio (satellite). (V:10/84)
 >  [Kansas]
 >  Wichita RBBS/RCPM ................................... (316) 682-9093
 >     George Winters; 8P Fri-11P Sun; (3B;300K); member of FOG OPEK
 >     (Osborne Portable Enthusiasts of Kansas) chapter. (V:10/84)
 >  Mission, KA RCPM .................................... (913) 362-9583
 >     Bill Parrott; (3B;7M); Heath/DG Super 89 system (V:10/84)
 >  Epson-Net Kansas City ............................... (913) 642-8479
 >     Mike Russell; M-F 6P-8A, wknd 24 hrs; (3B;??K); affiliated with
 >     EpsonNet  International User's Group;  Running RBBS/RTPM on QX-
 >     10. (Leawood) (V:10/84)
 >  AlphaNet RCP/M RBBS ................................. (913) 843-4259
 >     Larry Miller; 6P-9A daily; (3;700K); B drive changes daily;
 >     (Lawrence) (V:10/84)
 >  [Michigan]
 >  SBC's Channel 85 RBBS ............................... (313) 360-2050
 >     Mike Buffmyer, Russ Glover; (3B;780K); Kaypro IV; system is
 >     operated by Small Business Computers, Inc.; Union Lake (Detroit
 >     area) (Now supporting 1200 baud as of 10/24/84) (V:11/84)
 >  PCUTILboard (FIDOnode #92) .......................... (313) 393-0527
 >     Jon Tara; (no ans if in use); (3B;40M); Utilities and UNIX-like
 >     tools for IBM-PC/MS-DOS. ARPA digests available for download.
 >     Usenet gateway planned. Separate PCGAMESboard, PCAPPboard are
 >     planned. (Detroit area) (V:11/84)
 >  MINICBBS/Sorcerer's Apprentice Group ................ (313) 535-9186
 >     Bob Hageman; (1-7;500K); Sorcerer software and hardware;
 >     (Detroit area) (V:10/84)
 >  Farmington Hills RCP/M - RBBS ....................... (313) 553-9274
 >     Matt Weisberg; (3B;2.37M); Kaypro; (Detroit area) (NN:2/85)
 >  Birmingham MI RCP/M ................................. (313) 646-1565
 >     Harold Blaisdell; (3B;900K); primarily Xerox-820 users (V:11/84)
 >  Tony's Corner RBBS .................................. (313) 754-1131
 >     Tony Bauman; (3B;???K); TRS-80 Model I system (V:10/84)
 >  Royal Oak CP/M ...................................... (313) 759-6569
 >     Bob Clyne, Keith Petersen; (346BV;26M); MiniCBBS available but 
 >     main purpose is file transfer; (Detroit area) (V:10/84)
 >  Technical CBBS ...................................... (313) 846-6127
 >     Dave Hardy; (1-7;3M); RCPM sysops desiring access to passworded
 >     RCPM Clearinghouse sys should leave msg here; (Detroit) (V:11/84)
 >  Kalamazoo RCP/M ..................................... (616) 342-4062
 >     Eric Schreur; (3;??); North Star Horizon system; interests
 >     Earth Sciences, Astronomy, Geology, Oceanography, &  Meteorology;
 >     After first login users can access CP/M. (V:10/84)
 >  CCBBS&F R/MS-DOS .................................... (616) 947-0301
 >     Bill Mania; eves & wknds (no ans if in use); (3B;300K); running
 >     on AT&T PC; interests: Modula-2, LISP, UNIX & tech. subjects.
 >     (NN:2/85)
 >  Grand Traverse RCP/M ................................ (616) 947-1246
 >     Bill Jungers; (3B;10M); Kaypro, Franklin/Apple, Televideo;
 >     A member of the Kaypro Network; (Grand Traverse) (V:10/84)
 >  [Minnesota]
 >  Anoka Technical RBBS ................................ (612) 427-7774
 >     Phil Forseth; (3B;752K); Epson, CP/M, General, Communications
 >     (V:10/84)
 >  [Missouri]
 >  SLHUG RCP/M-RBBS .................................... (314) 291-1854 $
 >     John Griffith; (3B:10M); H-89 system; CP/M and ZDOS; annual $15
 >     fee; (V:10/84)
 >  FIDO-Net 022 DECUS PCLUG ............................ (314) 576-2743
 >     Ken Kaplan; (3B;10M); DEC Rainbow 100+ System, MS-DOS 2.05;
 >     public domain software for DEC PC Users; TELINK, MODEM7/XMODEM
 >     protocols supported;  KERMIT support(?); (St. Louis) (V:10/84)
 >  KAY-PER NET ......................................... (816) 734-2717  
 >     Ron Smith; (no ans if in use); (3B;8M); Kaypro 10 running K-NET
 >     84 (tm) RBBS-RCPM System; Call, leave name and password, then
 >     call back later to gain access. (Kansas City) (V:11/84)
 >  [Nebraska]
 >  OBBS RCP/M (RBBS) ................................... (402) 346-4206
 >     James Whorton; (no ans if in use); (3B;1M); Osborne/general
 >     CP/M; drive B: changed frequently; Home of TPBBS (Turbo Pascal
 >     BBS).  (Omaha) (V:10/84)
 >  Omaha Area CP/M User's Group (OACPMUG) .............. (402) 551-8027
 >     Charles Capps; (3B;20M); Imsai system; Huge Public Domain
 >     library on 16mb hard disk; (Omaha) (V:10/84)
 >  [Ohio]
 >  Art's Archives RBBS/RCPM ............................ (216) 282-3423
 >     Art Petkosek; (no ans if in use); (3B;10M); communications, S-100,
 >     Heath, IBM, general; (Lorain) (V:10/84)
 >  Cleveland RCP/M ..................................... (216) 941-2488
 >     Peter Petto; (3B;??K); (Bay Village) (V:10/84)
 >  Dayton RCPM/RBBS .................................... (513) 256-7227
 >     Dave Robling; (1-7;1M); (Dayton) (V:10/84)
 >  C.O.R.E. (Central Ohio Remote) RCP/M RBBS ........... (614) 864-2673
 >     Rich Rodeheaver; (3B;8M); CP/M, MBASIC interests; Xerox 820II;
 >     CP/M PW=RAVEN; (Reynoldsburg (Columbus area)) (V:10/84)
 >  [Oklahoma]
 >  CFP RBBS ............................................ (405) 234-9574
 >     Mike Wheeler. (3B,20M).  Many CP/M files.  Good for all users. 
 >     RBBS 12.2,  user groups get more control of system than normal 
 >     users.  (Enid) (V:10/84)
 >  [Wisconsin]
 >  Fort Fone File Folder ............................... (414) 563-9932
 >     Al Jewer, Ron Fowler, Bill Whitford; (3B;40M); MEX program
 >     support, CP/M utilities, BDSC, Voice I/O, ZCPR3 & more; (Type
 >     WALLCHRT for system layout after exiting BBS); (Ft. Atkinson)
 >  North Central RCP/M ................................. (715) 362-3444
 >     Ryugen Fisher; (3B;?K);  Running on a NEC PC8801.  Oriented to 
 >     help users of all NEC models. Programs from Japan as well as 
 >     usual public domain programs. (Rhinelander)
 >  =======
 >  [SOUTH]
 >  [Alabama]
 >  PIN Headquarters RCP/M .............................. (205) 881-3800
 >     John Mueller; (12A-8A daily); (3;392K); General Interest, Several
 >     sub-boards, ZCPR-2. (Huntsville) (V:11/84)
 >  CP/M User's Group RCPM .............................. (205) 882-1140
 >     Jim Offenbecher; (no ans if in use); (3B;2.5M); General Interest,
 >     CPM UG & SIG/M libraries. (Huntsville) (V:11/84)
 >  Alabama RCP/M RBBS .................................. (205) 895-6749
 >     Don Wilkes; (1-7;700K); (Huntsville) (V:10/84)
 >  [Florida]
 >  Melbourne RCP/M OXGATE .............................. (305) 259-7955
 >     Rick Myers & Alex Soya; (3B;23M); on CompuPro 8-16 system; Infor-
 >     mation exchange re: hardware problems & fixes, especially S-100;
 >     Interest in CPM86 & CPM68K software; (Melbourne) (V:10/84)
 >  Astronomer's RBBS & RCPM ............................ (305) 268-8576
 >     Chuck Cole; (no ans if in use); (3B;492K); Astronomy/science:
 >     CFAS, AAVSO, ISRG, IAPPP, SERAL, & CANDL; (Titusville) (V:10/84)
 >  Sanctuary ........................................... (305) 335-2227 
 >     Chris DeBracy; (3B;10M); Kaypro 10 - K-NET 84 (tm) RCP/M system.
 >     Interests: Communications, Turbo Pascal, RCP/M + ZCPR2 & 3.
 >     INFOCOM software demo'ed and sold. Extensive PD. (Port St Lucie)
 >     (V:10/84)
 >  Southern Micro RCPM ................................. (305) 625-3181
 >     Jim Wright; (3B;20M); Interests in ZCPR2, running LUX; drives
 >     A: thru H:, User 0 thru 3 available. (Miami) (V:10/84)
 >  Orlando, Florida TBBS RCP/M System................... (305) 677-8086	
 >     Larry Snyder; (3BCV;24M); CompuPro, communications, spreadsheets,
 >     dBase II, C-86, CPM816, MPM816, Concurrent DOS; limited access
 >     without membership.  2400 baud available on a trial basis.
 >  Melbourne Beach CRCP/M GOLIATH ...................... (305) 727-0331
 >     Alex Soya; (3BC;52M); Concurrent RCP/M on CompuPro 8-16 system.
 >     Interests: CPM86, CPM68K & Concurrent CPM. (Melbourne) (NN:2/85)
 >  Tampa RCP/M ......................................... (813) 831-7276
 >     Charlie Hoffman; (3B;20M); New 20MB hard disk; Interest in 'C';
 >     SIG/M-CPMUG releases; Tampa Bay CP/M User's Group. (V:10/84)
 >  Griffith's System ................................... (813) 831-8873
 >     Joe Griffith; (3B;3M); CP/M Utilities, communications programs,
 >     games and also feeds through to a remote OS-9 system. (V:10/84)
 >  DataCOM Network RCP/M #1 ............................ (813) 937-3608 $
 >     Steve Sanders; (3BV;20M); S-100 system in single-user mode now,
 >     soon to be multi-user with more on-line storage; all the latest
 >     public domain; members have access to all 3 DataCOM systems for
 >     1 fee of $30/year. Programs for CP/M-80, 86, PC/MS-DOS, Turbo
 >     Pascal, ZCPR3. (Tampa Bay) (V:2/85)
 >  DataCOM Network RCP/M #2 ............................ (813) 937-6829 $
 >     Steve Sanders; (3B;10M); Kaypro 10 running K-NET 84(tm) RBBS-RCPM
 >     software; soon to be a user port of the big S-100 currently
 >     running system #1; huge PD library; all ZCPR3 & MEX files plus
 >     Kaypro-specific software. ($30/yr. fee) (Tampa Bay) (V:2/85)
 >  Gator Board RCP/M ................................... (904) 378-1006
 >     Bill Brachold; 7:30P-10A M-F, 5:30P Sat-10A Mon; (3B;20M);
 >     multi-message based system; (Gainesville) (V:10/84)
 >  [Georgia]
 >  Columbus RBBS/RCPM .................................. (404) 324-7391
 >     Joe Earls; (3B;10M); Public or private Email; public SIG's for
 >     politics, religion, and swapshop; Xmodem libraries for CP/M,
 >     IBM-PC, C-64, others; registration but no fee. (NN:12/84)
 >  Atlanta RCP/M ....................................... (404) 627-7127
 >     Jim Altman; (no ans if in use); (3B;227M); Interest in 'C' pgms,
 >     SIG/M Vols 123-199 on-line as of 11/84. (V:11/84)
 >  DataCOM Network RCP/M #3 ............................ (404) 632-2109 $
 >     Tony & Terry Stanley; (3B;10M); Kaypro 10 running K-NET 84(tm)
 >     software; $30/yr. allows access to all 3 DataCOM systems (2 in
 >     Florida). (Blue Ridge) (V:2/85)
 >  Norcross RCP/M RBBS ................................. (404) 921-1116
 >     Jim Gooch; (3B;7M); Interest in dBaseII; last drive is working
 >     RAMdisk. (V:2/85)
 >  Kaypro TPBBS ........................................ (404) 923-2580
 >     Joubert Berger; (3;400K); Interest in Turbo Pascal programs;
 >     member of the Kaypro-Network. (Lilburn) (V:11/84)
 >  [Kentucky]
 >  Land of Osz RCP/M RBBS .............................. (502) 241-0419
 >     Curt Edwards; 19-2300 Weekdays, 1100-2300 Weekends; (3,360K).
 >     (Louisville) (NN:10/84)
 >  Ovation Network RCP/M ............................... (606) 266-4532
 >     Jay Denebeim; (3B;6.2M); Kaypro Lexington User's Group (KLUG);
 >     a KayPro-Network system; (Lexington) (NN:11/84)
 >  CKCS RCP/M BBS ...................................... (606) 299-5948
 >     Steve Jeffrey, David Reed, Gaige Paulsen, Larry Owens; (3B;??K);
 >     system run by Central Kentucky Computer Society; 4 boards, seven
 >     sections each, various computers supported; weekly magazine
 >     NEWBYTES(tm) by Wendy Woods on-line. (Lexington) (NN:2/85)
 >  [Louisiana]
 >  Sulphur RCPM/BBS .................................... (318) 527-5680
 >     Paul Maia; (??,15M).  Private System, $25 year. Mbasic/Asm
 >     RCPM/Languages/Programming/Utilities.  2 Week trial membership
 >     is availablel to non-members.  Password required.
 >  Bossier RCP/M ....................................... (318) 747-6030
 >     Tom Chandler; (3B;7.6M); CP/M, Utilities, Games, 16 bit software;
 >     registration required to enter board; (Bossier City) (V:10/84)
 >  Redstick RCPM ....................................... (504) 275-7846
 >     Ken Shutt; (3;1.6M); CP/M+, Operating systems; (Baton Rouge)
 >     (V:11/84)
 >  [Tennessee]
 >  Cookeville RIBBS, RCPM/RTPM ......................... (615) 528-5039
 >     Bill George, Joel Seber; (no ans if in use); (3B;10M); Epson
 >     QX-10, MAX-80, Kaypro, IBM, Apple (V:10/84)
 >  The Classy System ................................... (901) 372-2378
 >     Ben Barton; (no ans if in use); (3B;760K); Epson QX-10 system;
 >     TPMII & CPM interest; registration required before downloads ok;
 >     2-mode operation, direct Epson QX-10 screen cntrl or standard
 >     display for non-QX10 users; (Memphis) (NN:10/84)
 >  ============
 >  [Northern California]
 >  San Jose DataTech Node 007 / Piconet 003 ............ (408) 238-9621
 >     Al Mehr; (3BV;20M); ZCPR2, CP/MUG, SIG/M, CP/M-86, PC/MS-DOS;
 >     (registration required for access to software exchange) (V:10/84)
 >  Santa Clara RBBS/RCPM ............................... (408) 247-2853
 >     Jeff King; now 24 hrs; (3;40M); IBM, "C", CPM80, and Pascal
 >     online.  (V:10/84)
 >  Oxgate-002 RCP/M Milpitas ........................... (408) 263-2588
 >     Mel Cruts; (system hrs may be erratic due to heat); (1-7;12M);
 >     (south SF bay area) (V:10/84)
 >  Skyhouse Systems .................................... (408) 296-5078
 >     Kirk DeHaan; (3B;30M); Application & SASE required for new users.
 >     Send sase with 4 chr password for access to Skyhouse Systems;
 >     657 Flannery St.; Santa Clara, CA 95051-5544; (V:10/84)
 >  Oxgate Saratoga, CA RBBS-RCP/M ...................... (408) 354-5934
 >     Chuck Metz & Paul Traina; (3B;20M); Applicants send info and
 >     SASE (for confirmation) to: Oxgate, PO Box 60655, Sunnyvale,
 >     CA 90488.  Give NAME (for logon), PASSWORD, ADDRESS, PHONE,
 >     COMPUTER TYPE.  (San Jose area)
 >  Potpourri BBS & RCP/M Oxgate-012 .................... (408) 378-7474
 >     Wayne Masters, Irv Hoff; (3BVC;20M); Leave name & system phone#;
 >     (2400 baud now supported!); (registration required for access to
 >     software exchange); (San Jose) (V:1/85)
 >  OxGate-dBASE II RCP/M Campbell, CA .................. (408) 378-8733 $
 >     Roger D. Brown; (3B;4M); dBASE II available on-line to demo soft-
 >     ware from independent software developers; system converting to
 >     BBS written in dBASE II; ($40/yr fee); (San Jose area) (V:10/84)
 >  Atlas Micro Associates "MCI" RCP/M-RBBS ............. (408) 379-8086
 >     Bill Spoolhoff; M-F 7P-10P, wknd 24 hrs; (1-7;2.4M); Investment
 >     software, Dbase II, CB-80; (NOTE: When system unavailable, you
 >     will rcv short VOICE msg & be disconnected); (San Jose) (V:10/84)
 >  SIMMS 001: Silicon Valley Interchange ............... (408) 732-9190
 >     Ed Svoboda; (36BV;44M); Multi msg bases, 1000's of files online.
 >     Registration required. Optional annual fee: $25. Send SASE 6-chr
 >     ID to: SIMMS HQ, Box 532, Cupertino, CA 95015. (V:10/84)
 >  KAY*FOG RBBS & RCP/M (FOG System #11) ............... (415) 285-2687
 >     Bond Shands; (3B;10M): (Box 11135, San Francisco, CA 94101);
 >     No fees - registration required; special interests - newcomers
 >     to computing, Kaypro, Osborne, Morrow, and general CP/M.
 >     (V:10/84)
 >  CrosNest II (DataTech Node 014) ..................... (415) 341-9336
 >     Wilbur H. Smith; (3;2.8M); (Box 962, San Mateo, Ca. 94403); CDOS,
 >     CP/M hardware/software tipes/bulletins/educational utilities &
 >     communications software (SF Bay area) (V:10/84)
 >  RBBS of Marin County ................................ (415) 383-0473
 >     Jim Ayers; M-F 5P-8:30A, wknd 24 hrs; (1-7;10M); drives A:-E:,
 >     user areas 1-2 w/ SIGM and CP/MUG pgms; (SF bay area) (V:10/84)
 >  ReSource RBBS ....................................... (415) 469-9325
 >     Stephen Trivoli-Johnson; (??,??).  More info needed.
 >  ZCPR3 BBS ........................................... (415) 489-9005
 >     David McCord; (3B;1.5M); METAL message system; OFFICIAL ZCPR3
 >     BBS, sponsored by Echelon, Inc. Z3 news and updates. Accessible
 >     to ALL callers, no restrictions. Z3 secure mode implemented on-
 >     line in CP/M. XMODEM, etc. all the usual stuff. (V:11/84)
 >  FW Backus Technical Support BBS ..................... (415) 493-4506
 >     Andrew Hart; (3B;640K); Tech. support system for F.W. Backus Co.
 >     and dealers; running on Televideo TS-802; (if password requested
 >     system up for private access, please call back later). (NN:2/85)
 >  Humor and Wisdom .................................... (415) 674-0660
 >     Wayne Webber;  (3B;1.5M);  Humor, Jokes, poetry, insighths, etc; 
 >     Also supports software download, upload. (SF Bay Area) (V:10/84)
 >  Napa Valley RCPM/RBBS ............................... (707) 257-6502
 >     Dave Austin; (1-7 (1200 baud soon);2M);  Features: CPMUG 
 >     & SIG/M CP/M software.  Also 6502 & 8086 sections.  Interest 
 >     in BDS/Aztec C, dBase II, Ham Radio  This board supports 
 >     the Napa Valley CP/M users group P.O. BOX 4096 NAPA,CA 94558;
 >     IMSAI system.; (Napa)
 >  Tek-80 RCP/M/RBBS ................................... (707) 425-2277
 >     (dial  707-HAL-BBSS);   John  Ray;   (3B;6.5M);   public  domain 
 >     software; electronics technical support on message system.
 >     re: parts, schematics, etc.; will offer special areas as soon
 >     as 20MB hard disk is on-line.; (Fairfield) (V:10/84)
 >  Critical Mass RBBS/RCPM ............................. (707) 884-4221
 >     Ken Mobert; (3;26M); Oxgate system; (Gualala) (V:10/84)
 >  RUCUS RCP/M RBBS .................................... (916) 547-5261
 >     David Ballard; (no ans if in use); (3B;1.5M); Heath H-89; CP/M,
 >     MS-DOS, C, ZCPR3, DBASE II. Operated by and for the REDDING
 >  Orangevale RCP/M .................................... (916) 988-2660 $
 >     Ken Benedict; (3B;46M); ZCPR3 on AMPRO Little Board; Most CP/M
 >     User Group & SIG/M public domain software online. Message system
 >     free, CP/M access $20/year. Directory list free. (V:2/85)
 >  [Southern California]
 >  Rainbow Data, Fido BBS #36 .......................... (213) 204-2996
 >     Don Brauns; (3B;45M); DEC Rainbow, MSDOS 2.05; Public domain &
 >     demo software for Rainbow. VT100 graphics at logon. Support for
 >     TELINK, MODEM7 & XMODEM (Culver City) (V:10/84)
 >  PVAC ................................................ (213) 306-1172
 >     Harris Boldt Edelman; (3B;366K); PVAC is the underbelly of a
 >     snake. Neither for casual use nor for beginners. (V:2/85)
 >  ThreePalms MAX BS RCP/M ............................. (213) 430-0079
 >     Rick Edwards; (3B;1.5M); Lobo Max 80 Bulletin System running
 >     CP/M. Member of MAXIML (MAX-80 Users) (Seal Beach) (V:10/84)
 >  Bankers & Hackers BBS/RCPM .......................... (213) 498-6581
 >     Don Appleby; (3B;1.8M); N* system with NZCPR; (V:10/84)
 >  The CP/M Connection ................................. (213) 530-0670
 >     Arun Baheti;  Weekends,  most holidays. (3B;??); Xerox systems, 
 >     CP/M,  CP/M-86, MSDOS;    Soon to be an eleven megabyte system.  
 >     (NN:01/85)
 >  G.F.R.N. Data Exchange (RBBS) ....................... (213) 541-2503
 >     Skip Hansen; (3BV;2.4M); ham radio-related pgms; (Palos Verdes)
 >     (V:10/84)
 >  ComputerFood Press MBBS/RCPM ........................ (213) 559-9033
 >     Tom Tucker; (3B;382K); Interests include small business systems;
 >     Down temporarily for repairs, will be up soon with new version
 >     of MBBS (tm) (beta test site); (V:11/84)
 >  MicroBBS MSDOS & RCP/M .............................. (213) 598-8495
 >     Douglas Coatney; (3B,14M) Interests, Zenith Z100/HUG Software
 >     Kaypro, Osborne, PCDOS, MSDOS,ZDOS .. General CP/M utilities also.
 >  JAC Computer RBBS/RCPM .............................. (213) 618-0151 $
 >     Al Cobb; (3B;10M); Kaypro 10 running ZCPR3; interests in Kaypro,
 >     dBase II, ZCPR3, and all public domain s/w. (Torrance) (V:10/84)
 >  MBBS Headquarters RCP/M ............................. (213) 653-6398
 >     Kim Levitt; (no ans if in use); (3B;7.5M); Micro Bulletin Board
 >     System (tm) #1; Free access to all users, only restrictions are:
 >     New users can't enter msgs or download until cleared (within 24
 >     hrs. usually) & CP/M access has password (with clue). (V:2/85)
 >  VIDEOMAN RCP/M and XBBS ............................. (213) 666-8588
 >     Norman Strassner; (3B;2.5M); CompuPro with Qume 8"; expanding
 >     to hard disk drive soon; interests in CP/M 86, dBase, etc;
 >     Television directing, editing, production tech (NN:12/84)
 >  Ladera Heights RBBS ................................. (213) 670-9465
 >     Al Hawley; (no ans if in use); (3B;16M); S100 ZCPR2 system;
 >     interests: ZCPR, System & Communication utilities, CP/M 80,86
 >     and MSDOS.  Will assist with ZCPR1,2, or 3 inst (NN:12/84)
 >  The Downey Remote CP/M Exchange Center .............. (213) 806-2226
 >     Mark Motley; (3B;10M); Kaypro, Osborne software & PD languages;
 >     ZCPR3, MEX, MEX overlays and patches. (V:11/84)
 >  WLA RCPM/RBBS ....................................... (213) 838-9229
 >     Gary Inman; (3B;4.8M); System features CP/M public domain
 >     software; restricted access until validated. (West LA) (V:2/85)
 >  Northstar Downey RBBS ............................... (213) 861-2313
 >     Brian Holmes; (3?;5M); Northstar Advantage system; CP/M utils,
 >     and MDM7xx; technical assistance.  (NN:12/84)
 >  Los Angeles Communication System .................... (213) 935-7570
 >     Steve Huntley; (3B;2.5M) << Open System >> Epson QX-10, Kaypro
 >     DbaseII, CP/M utilities. Epson users group for West L.A. (V:1/85)
 >  South Bay Technical Support Group ................... (213) 970-9238
 >     Dan Taylor; (3B;5M); NorthStar ADVANTAGE; >>No longer closed up<<
 >     Software: CP/M utilities, RCP/M, RBBS, ZCPR1,2,(3 is not on line)
 >     Information on PACKET radio (HAM); (Hawthorne) (V:2/85)
 >  Concurrent CP/M-86 RCPM #1 .......................... (619) 252-5367 $
 >     Lyle Skjerve; (B(1200 ONLY);26.7M); $20/yr. access fee; Running
 >     under CCP/M-86 on Fujitsu Micro 16s; Entire PC-Blue library is
 >     available plus 500+ CP/M pgms, incl. Kaypro, Osborne (V:11/84)
 >  Barstow RCP/M ....................................... (619) 256-3914
 >     Bill Wood; (34BV;15M); H89 system. (does not see CR's for 6
 >     secs after carrier detect, while system auto boots) (V:11/84)
 >  San Diego Experimental RC System (SDEXPRC) .......... (619) 452-1869
 >     Brian Kantor; (3BV;3.6M); News and Mail; interests in amateur 
 >     digital packet radio, graphics, and advanced microprocessor tech
 >     System powers up on call & answers on 3rd or 4th ring. (V:10/84)
 >  SABALINE ............................................ (619) 692-1961
 >     Don Saba; (3BV;10M); interest in Apple CP/M, Kaypro, MSDOS;
 >     SYSOP operates all 3 systems & features pgms he can test. Serves
 >     local Kaypro Group. (V:10/84)
 >  C RCP/M ....................................... (714) 381-2887
 >     John Hohensee & Cliff Smith; (3B;2.4M); Inland Computer Users,
 >     San Bernardino; CP/M and MS-DOS software; (V:10/84)
 >  G.F.R.N. Data Exchange (RBBS) Garden Grove .......... (714) 534-1547
 >     Doug Laing; (3BV;5M); amateur radio, Apple/CPM; (Garden Grove)
 >     (V:10/84)
 >  MVKUG RBBS/RCPM ..................................... (714) 581-1556  
 >     Randy Tincher; (3B;10M); Kaypro 10 running ZCPR3; interests in
 >     Kaypro, dBaseII, ZCPR3 & public domain. (Mission Viejo) (V:10/84)
 >  San Dimas RBBS/RCPM ................................. (714) 599-2109
 >     Stu Anthony; M-F 8A-7P, wknd 24 hrs, (try anytime); (3B;964K);
 >     Xerox 820-II (V:10/84)
 >  AnaHug RCPM/CBBS .................................... (714) 774-7860
 >     John Secor; (3B;10M); Interests: hobby computing, electronics
 >     hobbyists, ham radio; (Anaheim) (V:10/84)
 >  Ozzy's Place RCP/M ............................... cb (714) 841-0064
 >     Alan Premselaar; Osborne-based RCP/M running 56k ZCPR2 (V:11/84)
 >  Moonstar RBBS ....................................... (714) 861-8165
 >     Jerry Proffitt; (no ans if in use); (3B;780K); Astrology and
 >     Metaphysics; General interest PD Software; Kaypro 4 with ZCPR2;
 >     (Diamond Bar) (V:10/84)
 >  Sit Back and Wackit ................................. (714) 995-2428
 >     Robert Collins; (3B;655K); IBM-PC utils, 8087 source code; modem
 >     pgms; APL utils & hotline; COMPAQ w/2 RAM disks & 8087; (V:10/84)
 >  Thousand Oaks Technical RCP/M (RIOS) S/1 ............ (805) 492-5472
 >     Trevor Marshall; (3,36B;66M); Use CHAT to request noise resistant
 >     300 baud modem; active BBS; ALL SIG/M, PC-Blue & Capitol-PC Users
 >     Group software. Most C-UG vols. (7900+ files on-line.) (V:11/84)
 >     (Until floppies repaired, cannot accept uploads, send to S/2.)
 >  Thousand Oaks Technical RCP/M (RIOS) S/2 ............ (805) 493-1495
 >     Trevor Marshall; (3B;65M); no BBS; unlimited upload time, down-
 >     load time 15 mins/day max., (increased 2 for 1 for uploads);
 >     (Networked to same 64MB hard disk as system 1.) (V:11/84)
 >  Simi BBS ............................................ (805) 522-4211
 >     Greg Cassity; (no ans if in use); (3?;???K); ads for new and
 >     used hardware, technical help & software exchange. (NN:2/85)
 >  Simi RCP/M .......................................... (805) 527-2219
 >     Pete Mack; M-F 7P-7A, wknd 24 hrs; (3-6,B;20M); General interest
 >     programs plus special interest in 'C'; Also interested in 88/86
 >     PC software; (Simi Valley) (V:10/84)
 >  SIMI-PDSE/RCPM ...................................... (805) 584-6054
 >     John Damico; (3B;40M); interests: RCP/M communications, utils,
 >     ZCPR, Kaypro, CompuPro, Apple & General. (Simi Valley) (V:10/84)
 >  Father John's Place ................................. (805) 687-2754
 >     Father John Higgins; (3B;10M); info on the Catholic Church,
 >     question/answer forum for all; (South Bay area) (V:10/84)
 >  LOBO MAX-80 Citadel ................................. (805) 964-6626
 >     Tom Marazita; (3B;5M); MAXIMUL (Max-80 User's League) software,
 >     CP/MUG, SIG/M, dBase, PASCAL, 'C'; (Goleta) (V:10/84)
 >  L.A.M.U.G. RCP/M-XBBS ............................... (818) 340-9947
 >     Bob Moeller; (no ans if in use); (3B;20M); Micro Decision;
 >     New users are required to leave address and phone # for password
 >     to enter CP/M.  1000 public domain software programs. (V:10/84)
 >  RBBS PASADENA ....................................... (818) 359-4446
 >     Rich Berg; (1346VB;19M); use NEWBAUD after logon to switch baud
 >     rates except 1200 baud which can only be set on login. (NN:2/85)
 >  Granada Engineering Group RCP/M ..................... (818) 360-5053
 >     Webber Hall; (3;1M); Headquarters of XBBS message system; CP/M
 >     assembly language programming and technical information; (will
 >     have 1200 baud soon); (Granada Hills) (V:2/85)
 >  Da PHANTOM LATE-NITE RBBS ........................... (818) 365-2996
 >     KABjorke; LATE Nites, Weekends; (34;15M); IBM-PC System; what do 
 >     computers do at night? The System for the Society to Establish a 
 >     National Idle-Time Pool. C, Forth, Hi-End Grafix, ArtZ. (V:10/84)
 >  The MOG-UR'S HBBS ................................... (818) 366-1238
 >     Tom Tcimpidis; (3BC;19M); 2400 baud now; 11 different boards, 
 >     varied interests.  Database use welcome to all systems, operating
 >     systems and users; (San Fernando valley, LA area) (V:11/84)
 >  No. Hollywood RCPM/BBS .............................. (818) 509-8599
 >     John Jearos; M-F 6P-11P, wknd 24 hrs; (3;2M); Apple II/Z80 card.
 >     (V:10/84)
 >  WSS BBS System ...................................... (818) 704-1871
 >     Jeff Woolf; (3;2.4M).  Caters to Move-It users.  Upload/download
 >     features driven from BBS.  No CP/M access is allowed.  Sponsored
 >     by Woolf Software Systems.
 >  Northridge Systems RCP/M - XBBS ..................... (818) 708-3284
 >     Robert M. Crump; (3B;1.2M); XBBS message system; drives A-D;
 >     1200 baud now supported. (V:11/84)
 >  NBS RCP/M ........................................... (818) 764-6166
 >     Joel Sussman; (3B;10M); Amateur (Ham) Radio, data communications,
 >     programming routines; Kaypro/IBM-PC software; (North Hollywood)
 >     (V:10/84)
 >  La Canada RCPM/RBBS ................................. (818) 790-3014
 >     Chris Hays; (no ans if in use, 4 rings till autoboot); (3B;1.3M);
 >     electronics, communications software; (LA area) (V:10/84)
 >  Pasadena RCP/M ...................................... (818) 799-1632
 >     Dick Mead; (3B;26M); running ZCPR3; interest in Ham Packet;
 >     RBBS4 message system w/public/private mail. (LA area) (V:10/84)
 >  Glendale Litearia RBBS-RCP/M ........................ (818) 956-6164
 >     Abel Iwaz; (no ans if in use); (3B;10M); Kaypro 10 system w/
 >     ZCPR3; interests: Communications, utilities, dBaseII, ZCPR3,
 >     Literary forum, special magazine section.  (V:10/84)
 >  ===========
 >  [Arizona]
 >  Photo Marketing Association RCP/M RBBS .............. (602) 834-5295
 >     Jim Whitesell; (3B;1.6M); specializing in photographic industry -
 >     photofinishers, camera stores, manufacturers; RBBS is operated by
 >     industry's trade association. (V:10/84)
 >  Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine RCP/M-RBBS ................ (602) 848-6708
 >     Jim Gronek; (3B;10M); Kaypro II w/10MB Helix; sections: Kaypro
 >     DBaseII, Games, Utilities; all CP/M users welcome. (V:10/84)
 >  Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine No. 2 RCP/M-RBBS . . . . . .(602) 863-1435
 >     Kelvin Giles, Robb Leatherwood, Paul Nanc(3B;10M); Kaypro 10;
 >     sections; Kaypro, ZCPR, Utilites and more, all CP/M users welcome
 >  [Colorado]
 >  The World Peace RCP/M ............................... (303) 320-4822
 >     Fr. Alfred K Carr; (3B;16M); sponsored by Hilltop Reform Baptist
 >     Church (Contemplative Reform Baptism - The World Peace Movement);
 >     New users must complete application on-line; access in 24-48 hrs;
 >     (Denver) (V:11/84)
 >  Computer Parlors RCP/M RBBS ......................... (303) 420-8052
 >     Terry Travis; (3B;10M); Interest in Kaypro; (Arvada) (V:10/84)
 >  DASUG (Denver Area Sanyo Users Group)................ (303) 431-0051
 >     Jerry Smith; (3B;10M); IBMPC w/MSDOS 2.10; MS-DOS and CP/M 2.2
 >     software for the Sanyo; running Fido v/10c; (V:02/85)
 >  Lodge Works RCP/M ................................... (303) 444-3253
 >     John Vareka; (3B;10M); System Enhancements, C Language. (Boulder)
 >     (V:10/84)
 >  CP/M SIG RCPM/RIBM SYSTEMS .......................... (303) 465-1313
 >     Al Lindquist; (3B;10M); Password access after validate; CP/M
 >     SIG, Inc Broomfield, Co., provides latest SIG/M and PC-BLUE
 >     releases on-line; RIBM rotates w/RCPM.  (NN:12/84)
 >  Boulder, Colorado RCP/M ............................. (303) 499-9169
 >     Jack Riley; M-F 12P-6A (hard disk up Thurs 7P-12A); (1-7BV;32M);
 >     Keyword-based BBS; high-level language software, graphics, numer-
 >     ical analysis & UNIX info; MX-80 graphics, typesetting (V:10/84)
 >  Colorado Springs Computer Communications ............ (303) 598-4500 $
 >     Thom Foulks; (3B;2.1M); Colorado Springs User Group members only;
 >     (On-line application available) (V:10/84)
 >  Denver CUG-NODE ..................................... (303) 781-4937
 >     ? Sysop; (1-7;1M); (Need more info!!) (V:10/84)
 >  The nection RCP/M ................................ (303) 798-5451
 >     Verlon Rogers; (3B;790k); General interest Kaypro & misc 
 >     languages; Short validation process (Littleton) (V:11/84)
 >  lectronic ocksmith RCP/M RBBS ................. (303) 973-2167
 >     Steve Ekwall; (3B;400k).  Established for the Locksmithing and 
 >     Security Industry.  Industry users get full access to password 
 >     protected user areas.   Others to A0>,  B0>. (V:10/84)
 >  Lakewood MURCP/M SYSTEM #1 .......................... (303) 985-1108 $
 >     Gary Shaffstall; (3B;40.2M); Guest hours 00:00-12:00 MST daily;
 >     6000+ files available from SIG/M, CPMUG, and other user groups. 
 >     Membership fee $24/yr. (V:1/85)
 >  Unknown TBBS ........................................ (303) 988-8155
 >     Henry Birdseye; (3B;10M); S-100 system with CP/M software
 >     and joke downloads; using TBBS bbs software; Complete access
 >     to system after registration on second call.
 >  [Nevada]
 >  Reno International (RIBBS) RCP/M .................... (702) 826-2337
 >     Ron Stevenson & Mike Mcbride; (3B;2.4M); EXO noBUS-8 system;
 >     Sections for different computers; Online games; Hotels, enter-
 >     tainment & restaurant data base for Reno, Carson & S. Lake Tahoe
 >     w/toll free #'s for reservations; say MENU; (Reno) (V:11/84)
 >  [New Mexico]
 >  Albuquerque RCP/M ................................... (505) 299-5974
 >     Steve Fox; (3V;15M); (no ans if in use). Ferguson BigBoard II,
 >     CP/M-80 and PC/DOS. (V:11/84)
 >  Alamogodo RCP/M ..................................... (505) 437-9117
 >     Joel Mozer; 7P-6A; (??;??) need more info!; all welcome (V:10/84)
 >  Mesilla Valley RCP/M ................................ (505) 524-6920
 >     Phil Cary; (B;33M).  PC/MS-DOC, CP/M 80, PLUS, & 86; IBM PC, N*
 >     Kaypro. NOTE! 1200 BAUD ONLY AFTER 1/1/85 (Las Cruces) (V:10/84)
 >  NM DEC-PC RCP/M ..................................... (505) 831-0205
 >     Eloy Gonzales; (3B;676K); Dec VT180, Rainbow System (V:10/84)
 >  Tom Sanderson's RCP/M ............................... (505) 864-7676
 >     Tom Sanderson; (1-6;1M); Vector Graphic S-100 Sys; CP/M utils,
 >     RCP/M & BDS C pgms; all users welcome; (Belen) (V:10/84)
 >  [Texas]
 >  DFW RCP/M ........................................... (214) 245-5253
 >     Nathan Stewart; (3B;16M); Interest in CPM80, CPM86, PC s/w
 >     'C' programs; (Dallas) (V:10/84)
 >  Xerox Users' Information Exchange ................... (214) 286-2673
 >     Richard L. Transue; (no ans if in use); (3B;482K); Xerox and
 >     general CP/M info; running on 820-I. (Dallas) (NN:2/85)
 >  Seneca RCP/M ........................................ (214) 553-1363
 >     Sigi Kluger; (3BV;13M). TurboDos, CP/M 86 and latest software.
 >     (System is now free access again.) (Dallas) (V:2/85)
 >  The Dallas Connection RCP/M RBBS .................... (214) 783-7684 cb
 >     Russ Pencin; (3B;4M); General interest and Xerox-820-II programs.
 >     (Dallas) (NN:12/84)
 >  Dallas RCP/M CBBS ................................... (214) 931-8274 $
 >     Dave Crane; (3B;28M); P/D software & info exchange; CP/M-80 & 86,
 >     PC-DOS, Forth, dBase; spec. interest in science & engineering;
 >     $30/yr fee, limited membership. (V:10/84)
 >  The Black Box ....................................... (512) 835-9742
 >     Marc Newman; (34B;3M); Xmodem support. Atari, CP/M, RBBS software
 >     interests, online games, D&D, operating systems (V:10/84)
 >  Fido BBS #67 ........................................ (806) 795-0102
 >     Alan Minchew; (3B;10M); DEC Rainbow with MS-DOS & CP/M; supports
 >     Telink, Modem7, and XMODEM transfers. (Lubbock) (V:10/84)
 >  CTA RCP/M "Lazarus" ................................. (915) 544-1432
 >     Mike Gonzalez; (3B;16M); Specializing in North Star, distribu- 
 >     tion point for RBBS4 (El Paso) (V:10/84)
 >  ===========
 >  [Alaska]
 >  AKPRO-NET RBBS/RCPM ................................. (907) 248-2604 $
 >     Sysop: Pat Wilke; Asst: Cory Walker (3B;10M); Kaypro 10 running
 >     ZCPR3; Interests: ZCPR3, MEX, UNIX, C, HAM, MSDOS, CP/M80 & 86.
 >     Write to: AKPRO-NET; 2304 McRae St. #1 ; Anch., AK 99503;
 >     $25 Per/Yr. (V:2/85)
 >  Anchorage Remote CP/M (ARCPM) ....................... (907) 349-7996 $
 >     Rodger Ellis; (3B;15M); $6.50/mo. fee, limited access to non-
 >     members; new members accepted, call (907) 349-6882/write ARCPM;
 >     740 W. 71st Ave.; Anchorage, AK 99502 for application. (V:10/84)
 >  The Far North RCP/M ................................. (907) 456-1677
 >     Bob Purdy; (3B?;10M); BBS of Kaypro User's Group of Fairbanks;
 >     Entire FOG library, Kaypro-specific programs; (V:11/84)
 >  [Alberta, Canada]
 >  Edmonton RCPM ....................................... (403) 454-6093
 >     Dave McCrady; (no ans if in use); (3BV;4.8M) (V:10/84)
 >  Western Canadian Distribution Center ................ (403) 461-2960 $
 >     Gary McCallum; (3BV;34M); (release point for all new programs
 >     by Dave Rand); (Edmonton) (NN:10/84)
 >  Meadowlark RCP/M .................................... (403) 484-5981
 >     Jim Lopushinski; (3B;20M); origination point for NSQueeze,
 >     LBRDISK, and other machine language programs. (V:10/84)
 >  [British Columbia, Canada]
 >  Satyricon Electronics Corp. CBBS/RCPM................ (604) 438-2468 $
 >     Gordon Regar; (1-3B;22.4M); CP/MUG, SIG/M, Macintosh; $5/yr. fee;
 >     (V:10/84)
 >  Prince George RCP/M System .......................... (604) 562-9519
 >     Chris Loelke; Fred Quebec; MF 5pm-8am Weekends 24hours.(3B;16M); 
 >     ZCPR3 Libraries, 16bit, general interest, utilities, RCP/M, SIG/M 
 >     and some non CP/M. (V:10/84)
 >  Frog Hollow CBBS/RCPM ............................... (604) 937-0906
 >     David Bowerman; (1-7;1.2M); (Vancouver) (V:10/84)
 >  [Manitoba, Canada]
 >  Winnipeg RCP/M ...................................... (204) 943-9007
 >     Greg Moeller & Bruce Walzer; (346B;16M); EXO networking system; 
 >     interests in CPM 86, Forth, Concurrent CP/M; (V:10/84)
 >  [Montana]
 >  Helena Valley RBBS/RCPM ............................. (406) 443-2768
 >     Marion Thompson; (no ans if in use); (3B;10M); all users welcome; 
 >     special interest in S-100, IMS Internat'l, Systems Group, Otrona, 
 >     TurboDOS, MP/M, Concurrent PC DOS, C, Pascal; (Helena) (V:02/85)
 >  OPI RCP/M ........................................... (406) 444-3481
 >     Bill Connett, John Heinrich; (3B;8M); CP/M Utils, Televideo,
 >     Commodore, Apple, Turbo Pascal, Educational software for schools.
 >     (Helena) (V:2/85)
 >  [Oregon]
 >  SACC RCP/M RBBS ..................................... (503) 581-6409 $
 >     Ken Jones; (3B;10M). Kaypro 10 w/ ZCPR, MDM7, MEX.  For member-
 >     ship, read info at signon. (Salem Area Computer Club) (V:10/84)
 >  Professional YAM .................................... (503) 621-3746
 >     Chuck Forsberg; (random/intermittent hrs); (3B;2M); IBM-PC;
 >     'C' pgms in addition to IBM-PC software (V:10/84)
 >  Beaverton, Oregon RCPM .............................. (503) 642-7028 $
 >     Dave Morgan; (3B;112M); $25/yr fee; phone number is changing
 >     soon; all of ZCPR2/3 and SYSLIB3 online; (V:10/84)
 >  RCP/M Northwest ..................................... (503) 777-6377
 >     Eddie Williams, Chris Bradley; (sys dwn 5P-10P daily); (3;780K);
 >     interest in Kaypros, CP/M utilities; Kaypro 4 system. (V:11/84)
 >  [Saskatchewan, Canada]
 >  Regina RCPM/RBBS .................................... (306) 586-5585
 >     Leigh Calnek, Ted Quade; (3B;17M); career education software,
 >     Atari, Apple, IBM, TRS-80, Osborne, CP/M programs (C64 soon);
 >     (Morrow or Northstar sys, multi-user soon); (Regina) (V:10/84)
 >  [Washington]
 >  Seattle's "Downspout" ............................... (206) 325-1325 $
 >     Norm Gregory; (3BC;20M); Limited access FREE; full access $25/yr;
 >     2400 baud avail.; Epson QX-10 w/ZCPR3. (Seattle) (V:10/84)
 >  Olympia RCP/M ....................................... (206) 357-7400
 >     Tim Linehan; (3B;18M); Interest in 'C', database pgms, & string
 >     manipulation; Most CUG software on-line. (V:10/84)
 >  Yelm RBBS & CP/M .................................... (206) 458-3086
 >     Dave Stanhope; (3B;80M); S-100 UNIX system; CP/M programs;
 >     interest in 'C'; Running BBSC for UNIX-C; (Olympia) (V:10/84)
 >  Adam's RiBBS ........................................ (206) 828-3077
 >     Adam Koczarski; (3B;3.2M); Heath H-89, SIG/M catalog on-line
 >     w/ FYNDE utilities so users can request off-line volumes to be
 >     mounted. CP/M library also. (V:11/84)
 >  PUYALLUP AREA RCP/M System .......................... (206) 848-1497
 >     Ken Iverson; (3;15M) (V:10/84)
 >  North West Godbout Users RBBS-RCP/M ................. (509) 624-6799
 >     Jeffrey H. Albrecht; (3BV;11.4M); CompuPro 8-16 running ZCPR2;
 >     interest in info/programs related to CompuPro & engineering.
 >     (Spokane) (V:2/85)
 >  SMUG RCPM/RBBS ...................................... (509) 924-0808
 >     Jeffrey H. Albrecht; (3B;27M); Spokane Microprocessor Users
 >     Group; CP/M-80, CP/M-86, 6800, MS-DOS, C, ASM, dBase, BASIC,
 >     Forth, Pascal. (Spokane) (V:2/85)
 >  [Wyoming]
 >  Western States Marketing RCP/M ...................... (307) 635-8366
 >     Barron F. McIntire III; (3B;10M); MAILBOX msg sys; non-XMODEM
 >     up/download capability as well as XMODEM; software for many
 >     different computers; (Cheyenne) (V:10/84)
 >  [Hawaii]
 >  Kauai RCP/M RBBS .................................... (808) 245-2080
 >     Gene Clayton; (no ans if in use); (3B;800K); (Lihue) (V:10/84)
 >  DOC OVERLOCK'S BBS .................................. (808) 338-1277
 >     Bob Overlock; no answer if in use; (3B;33M); interests in CP/M,
 >     MS/PC-DOS, Commodore, medical, communications; (Waimea) (V:10/84)
 >  Hawaiian Shell RCP/M ................................ (808) 422-8406
 >     George Sofaly; (3B;800K); Network system; interests in Kaypro;
 >     RCP/M for Hawaii Portable Computer Users Assoc. (Honolulu)
 >     (V:10/84)
 >  ============
 >  CP-MIG .............................. type 'R CP-MIG' or 'GO PCS-47' $
 >     Dave Kozinn, Tom Jorgenson, Charlie Strom; most new CPMUG and 
 >     SIG/M software; CP/M-oriented CBBS. COMPUSERVE users have full
 >     access to CP-MIG. Note: COMPUSERVE mow supports Christensen
 >     protocol file transfers.  (Fees required to join CompuServe.)
 >  ======================
 >  N6CXB-1 Packet RCPM ... 2 meter packet: 146.745 OUT/DOWN 600 khz. IN
 >     Bob  Finch (N6CXB);  system is on 2-meter packet thru    duplex 
 >     202C packet repeater, (formerly known as N6TD/R), call of
 >     RCP/M is N6CXB-1; currently supporting hex/ASCII unload of binary
 >     files and simple TYPE (etc.) for text files. (Since AX.25 prot-
 >     ocol in use for ham packet doesn't require XMODEM for integrity
 >     of end-to-end virtual connection.) System currently a Cal-Tex
 >     SBC with Tapr TNC, custom interface & system software, 11MB dsk,
 >     100 watts (erp) power. On-line 24 hrs subject to clear channel,
 >     (i.e. no voice traffic). Leave messages on N6BGW.
 >     (Glendale, CA area) (V:11/84)
 >  N6BGW Packet RCPM ..... 2 meter packet: 146.745 OUT/DOWN 600 khz. IN
 >     ??? (N6BGW); (net users on channel through N6gpp/r) go here to use 
 >     the mailbox.
 >  =======
 >  [NOTES]
 >   1. Call-back systems are those where a computer and real people share
 >   the same telephone line.  To contact the people,  just dial & let the
 >   phone ring until you get an answer. To contact the computer: 1) dial,
 >   2) let the phone ring once,   3) hang up just before the 2nd ring,  &
 >   4) re-dial.
 >   2.  Note that the 212A/Vadic 1200 baud modems may not  be  compatable
 >   with yours.  Some  of the above systems are using Vadic  3451  Triple
 >   modems,  compatable with  both Bell and Vadic Standard.  Sign on  the
 >   first time at 300 baud to determine  system  capabilities.  Note also
 >   that  PMMI's  can sometimes  be used over 300  baud  with  1200  baud
 >   systems.  PMMI baud rates are:  110,  300,  450,  600,  710  and  are
 >   indicated above as "1-7".
 >   3.  Use of an alternative  long-distance service should be considered
 >   when planning to  modem over long  programs.  Charges on  ITT  Longer
 >   Distance, MCI, Sprint and Western Union are  50-60% of AT&T's regular
 >   long distance  rates. These services and many others are available in
 >   many areas  of the country and  many of them can now call anywhere in
 >   the U.S.  and will work fine at 300 and 1200 baud most of the time...
 >   (Note, however, that you may  not be able to dial a system in Alaska,
 >   Hawaii or Canada depending on the service you get and  sometimes  you
 >   may have trouble connecting at 1200 baud.)
 >   4.  Total  on-line  disk capacity is shown for  reference. Check  the
 >   system documentation for exact details when logging on.
 >   5.  All times listed are  local time,  please observe operating hours
 >   for systems with scheduled availability.
 >   6. If you  find any errors in this listing,  (or systems which do not
 >   support  XMODEM  protocol  for  file  transfers),  please forward the
 >   information to one of the systems listed at the top.
 >   7.  Many  of  the  private/semi-private  systems  will  allow  System 
 >   Operators access to the system.  Each private/semi-private system has 
 >   different  rules  regarding access.  Most of these limit  membership, 
 >   which  may  mean that access is somewhat  easier  than  fully  public 
 >   systems.   However,  as with public systems,  quality  varies greatly
 >   from system to system.  Contact the System Operator first for details
 >   of system access, cost, etc.
 >   8.  SPECIAL NOTE TO SYSOPS: (by Jud Newell, 7/15/84)
 >       a.   In an effort to keep this list manageable, we're arbitrarily 
 >   restricted each entry to 4 lines including name and phone number.  To 
 >   do this,  we arbitrarily edited some listings.   If you'd like to say 
 >   something different,  message Kim,  Steve, or I,  but please restrict 
 >   your listing to no more than 4 lines.
 >       b.   You may be eligable for access on a no-fee basis to some  of 
 >   the private systems noted above.   Contact the system operator of the 
 >   system you wish access to for details of his policies.
 >   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 >   VERIFICATION INFORMATION:  By Jud Newell (Oct 22/84) This list is now 
 >   being  verified on a  periodic basis.  Our verification routines come
 >   to us  from Jim Cambrion,  and automatically dial  the  list,  noting 
 >   whenever a computer carrier is detected.   Unfortunately,  after  the 
 >   computer is done,  we still have about 100 systems to manually check.  
 >   If we got a carrier tone or  a busy signal,  we considered the system 
 >   to be in existance. If we got a disconnect recording, we deleted  the 
 >   system from the list.  If no answer,  we left the system on the list,
 >   but will delete  from the  next list if  we can't make contact before 
 >   then.  Note that each non-answering system was tried at least 5 times 
 >   over a 2 week period of time. The list will next be fully verified in 
 >   April 1985.  Note  the  codes at end of each entry are:  (V: = system 
 >   existance verifed by presence of modem carrier or busy signal on  all 
 >   tries) (NA: = no answer of telephone w/at least 5 verification calls) 
 >   (NN: = new number).  It will help  us if you  advise us of the status 
 >   of any systems not showing a verification indication.   If I  deleted 
 >   you in error, I apologize.
 >   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 >  -------

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